
Cardiff is the capital of Wales. The city has a population of over 340, 000 people. Cardiff is the center of the financial, sporting and cultural development of Wales.
The town's history begins from the time of the Roman Empire.
In 75 BC at the place where today is located the town of Cardiff, was built a Roman fort. After the fifth century, the fort was abandoned and began to get destroyed. Parts of it can still be seen today as they were used to construct the walls of Cardiff Castle, which was built in 1091. The castle, which launched the Welsh capital into the Victorian era has been substantially extended and refurbished.

In the thirteenth century in Cardiff lived two thousand people. This was the only town in Wales with such a large population, but compared to large English cities the city was inhabited more than modestly.
In the twelfth century the city was surrounded by a wooden wall that was supposed to protect the future capital of Wales from invaders. At that time Cardiff was a port city and in the twenties of the fourteenth century, was named one of the main ports of the country.
In the early fifteenth century the city was burned, but quickly recovered and once again followed a period of prosperity. In the late nineteenth century Cardiff became the biggest port in the world for export of coal. Just for this reason in 1905 Cardiff earned city status. In the early nineteenth century through the port each year passed more than ten million tons of coal.
Population gradually increased, mainly at the expense of immigrants from Norway, Somalia, Yemen, Spain, Ireland and Italy.

In the mid-twentieth century coal mining in the region declined, leading to economic decline of the city. Today Cardiff is fully recovered economically and enjoys an economic boom.
One of the innovations in Cardiff is Millennium Stadium, thanks to which Cardiff had become a true European capital. Cardiff is a major transportation hub of Wales.
Cardiff Castle attracts tourists from around the world with its interesting architecture and history. After visiting it, you feel as if you were in the Middle Ages for a while.
Another interesting place in town is the Natural History Museum, located outdoors and includes dozens of buildings from different eras of the city. Buildings that are located in the museum were brought from different parts of the country.
In the center of town is the National Museums and Galleries of Wales, the Cardiff Crown Court, and the buildings owned by the University of Cardiff.
The Welsh National War Memorial is located in downtown.
Frequently visited by tourists is the building of the famous Coal Exchange, where in the nineteenth century have taken place the largest transactions involving the so-called black gold.
In Cardiff is the University of Wales and the Royal Welsh College of Music and Dramatic Arts.
In Cardiff the distillery Penderyn is located, which is the only distillery on the territory of the area where you can see with which methods were distilled spirits in the last century.
The Welsh Millennium Centre is located in Cardiff and is one of the largest cultural attractions in Wales. Here are held the most important cultural events.
Cardiff Bay, has a special visitor center and is a favorite place for tourists because of its beautiful views.