
Spitzkoppe is a nature reserve located between Usakos and Swakopmund in Namibia.
This unique site of its kind, is known as, African Matterhorn and is a beautiful granite mountain, whose age is estimated at about 100 million years.

Spitzkoppe is a favorite destination for romantic extremists who can climb and would enjoy to spend the night in camp or just to watch amazing sunsets and beautiful sunrises in the mountains. The highest outcrop rises there at about 1784 meters above sea level, the lowest part of the desert is 700 meters below.
Although this is not the highest mountain peak in Namibia, it boasts the most popular among the visitors. 1946 was when the peak was first conquered and now there is a standard tourist route in which visitors can easily climb to the top of mountain.
Before World War I, Namibia had been a German Colony. According to stories that are told about the place, a German soldier managed to climb to the top and make a fire. It is still a mystery how he managed to light the fire up there because there were absolutely no fossil fuels and his body was never found after that.
Spitzkoppe had been formed by a huge volcanic eruption, which accounts for many interesting rock formations to the extreme. This place at sunset and sunrise is one of the most common shooting locations in Namibia.

Spitzkoppe is also unique for its rock paintings that Bushmen have carved in the rocks of the mountain. Because these zone underneath a large rock overhang is also called bushmen paradise.
The flora and fauna in the area of Spitzkoppe is also very rich and antelopes, zebras, gazelles and more rarely camels like to home there too.
There grows a special kind of tree, whose poisonous white juice has been spread to the local Bushmen.