
Karlsruhe city is very close to the German-French border, in southwestern Germany. The city is relatively small. Karlsruhe extends over an area of 173.46 square kilometers and living in it are less than 300 000 people. Picturesque Karlsruhe also passes over the Rhine river.
No other city in Germany is so interesting and riched with such unique natural landscape structures. The old urban plan of this city reminds one of the sun as all the streets are extended in direct sunlight even, resembling the form of cut pieces of cake. The Germans, however, never assimilated the form of Karlsruhe as a cake. They tend to compare their city with all our life giving Sun. Residents of Karlsruhe believe that in their town solar winds merge.
In the center of the solar alignments, Karlsruhe palace with its high tower should stand surrounded by a rigorous Germany which extends on 32 streets. Karlsruhe was founded 300 years ago by Karl Wilhelm von Baden. According to legend, the ruler dreamed of a precise vision of the future settlement, which reminded him of the perfect star projection.
The basics of Karlsruhe were made on June 17th 1715, in the center is a spectacular neo-classical Royal Palace.

Between the narrows streets of Karlsruhe around 19 quarters are located: Beiertheim-Bulach Durlach, Grötzingen, Grünwettersbach, Hohenwettersbach, Mühlburg, Neureut, Nordstadt, Nordweststadt, Oststadt, Palmbach, Rintheim, Stupferich, Südweststadt, Waldstadt, Weiherfeld-Dammerstock, Weststadt and Wolfartsweier. Some even have neighborhoods that are older than the city itself. In the western part of the city on the banks of the Rhine is the largest oil refinery in Germany. Karlsruhe is located on the railway junction and is associated with highways of Frankfurt and Stuttgart.
The biggest tourist attraction in Karlsruhe is standing right in the center of the city - the Royal Palace, which now operates as a museum. This spacious and beautiful castle was built between 1752 and 1785 by order of Friedrich von Kesslau, who built on the foundations of the earlier wooden structure belonging to Balthasar Neumann.
Today the castle in Karlsruhe has an incredibly rich collection of articles dating from various eras. Inside you can see artifacts from prehistoric times, items of antiques, works of applied art and objects related to folk art in Germany.
Behind the palace in Karlsruhe extends the royal city that can fascinate everyone with its beauty and excellent arrangement. Within the royal park in Karlsruhe the Botanical Garden which is part of the museum is located. In Karlsruhe there is still an interesting botanical garden, which is located within the Technical University in the city. In both you can enjoy beautiful and exotic palms, orchids and cacti.