
Neptunbrunnen in Berlin is one of the oldest and most beautiful fountains, you might see in the German capital. You can not ignore it while wandering through the spacious central square between the TV Tower, City Hall, or more commonly known as Rathaus and the Palast der Republik. Neptunbrunnen stands just between St Mary's Church and the Red City Hall.
Crafted more than 100 years ago, Neptunbrunnen was moved from its original location to arrive at this central location of Berlin, in the middle of last century. This baroque fountain was made in 1891, as its designer is Reinhold Begas. This architect creates a genuine work of art that depicts the Greek god Poseidon or Neptune, surrounded by four female figures.
These statues of women around the god of the sea symbolize the four major rivers of Germany: Elba, Rhine, Vistula and Oder.

Initial names of Neptunbrunnen are Schloss-Brunnen and Begas-Brunnen, which is indicative of where exactly has stood the silhouette of Neptune. The original location of the fountain is called Schlossplatz, where it was removed in 1951.
Then the erstwhile Berlin City Palace was destroyed. After being reinstated in 1969 Neptunbrunnen is located at its present location between St Mary's Church and Rotes Rathaus. Since then, the fountain is one of the sights of the notorious Alexanderplatz.
The actual construction of Neptunbrunnen more than 100 years ago is a gift from the Berlin authorities to Kaiser Wilhelm II. During the war, the fountain suffered serious damage, but then was recovered. Neptunbrunnen is made of Swedish granite and reaches 18 meters in diameter.
Height up to the god Neptune is 8.5 meters, and to the Trident, which he holds is 10 meters. The pool of Neptunbrunnen also shows beautiful details like turtles.

Fountain of Neptune can be seen in several incredibly beautiful European castles as Vienna's Cathedral, and Versailles in Paris.
Fountain of Neptune is one of the main Sightseeing views in Bologna. Italian equivalent of Neptunbrunnen however, was made quite long ago in 1566 by Tommaso Loren, such as his masterpiece is adorned with angels, dolphins, mermaids and fish.