Petronas Towers

Petronas Towers

Towers Petronas or Petronas Towers are located in the capital of Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur. For the past few decades, Kuala Lumpur has made progress in each supreme relations - economic, political, commercial and social. As a result, today the capital of Malaysia is a gigantic megalopolis, which guides its development only to look to the future.

The logo of Kuala Lumpur are the Petronas Towers skyscrapers the couple whose huge scale literally and figuratively correspond to the vertiginous growth and progress of this largest city of Malaysia.

Petronas Towers

Until recently, the twin towers held first place in the ranking of the highest buildings in the world, and then were overtaken by Taipei 101 giants. In 2010 Dubai officially opened its huge tower which is higher than 800 meters and is the undisputed leader in the rankings for the most massive structures.

Petronas Towers still remain the highest pair of skyscrapers. On April 15, 1996 the world's tallest building was officially announced as the twin towers Petronas Towers to the highest buildings on earth. Their official opening was on August 28th 1999. The Petronas Towers reach an impressive 451.9 m in height and of them consists of 88 floors and windows come to the total of 32 000. They are truly remarkable.

The area of the building is 213 750 square meters, equivalent to 48 football fields. The towers themselves occupy 40 hectares. The building houses, offices, conference halls and art galleries. There is also the main headquarters of the local oil company Petronas, which is the main guarantor of the twin towers. The investment for the construction of its towers is estimated at 800 million dollars. They are also offices and many banks, businesses, shops, shopping and entertainment centers.

Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur

At the very top of the Petronas Towers a concert hall with excellent acoustics was built. Apart from the national oil company, Petronas building project is mainly financed by private investors, but with massive support of the Government of Malaysia and was designed by American architect, Cesar Peli. Each tower has 29 double, high-speed elevators.

Petronas Towers are interconnected with the "air bridge" and was built between 41st and 42nd floor of each building. An additional air security facility was built specifically to give props which are attached to the structure. The complex structure of the coupling Petronas Towers Bridge became a motion picture production site of Hollywood film Trap. It is a film strip in which Catherine Zeta Jones and Sean Connery helped the twin giants to gain global popularity.



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22.03.2012 03:45
didn't help -.- answer my question!!! duh