River Thames

London Bridge Thames

The Thames River is the same for London, what the Seine is to Paris. The two large and beautiful rivers are ultimately fundamental to the emergence of these world capitals on their coasts. The Thames is the largest river in England as its length reaches 336 Km. The Thames springs for the Cots worlds Hills and empties into the North Sea forming an estuary. Before reaching the point of its merger the Thames passes through the emblematic English cities of Oxford, Abington, Windsor/Eton and of the British capital London.

Almost all of the Thames River is very deep, especially in winter as there are many tributaries that flow throughout its length of nearly 340 km. Its catchment basin is 15, 300 sq. Km and the Thames has an average annual flow of 260 m3 / s.

The lower course of the Thames River has a strong influence on tides. While it is a fundamental part of the historical and romantic aura of the London River Thames it is mainly of considerable economic importance. Ships sail almost the entire length, as the corridor of the Thames is an important area for river trade in Europe, which determines its major transport and economic importance.

River Thames is the second longest river in Britain and the longest for the territory of England. The name of the Thames comes from the Latin, Tamesas. So Caesar called the river during the wars with the Gauls. Most likely, the Thames is translated as, dark.

Tate Modern London

Today the River Thames in London serves as an engine for tourism. With its numerous tourist travel and boat cruises, it shows as the main attractions of ttourism for the British capital, others included are the Palace of Westminster, Tower of London, the largest museum of Contemporary Art Tate Modern and others.

For centuries the Thames River divides into two shores of the North and South of London. From Roman times to the north of the River Thames the region had temples and religious traditions, while people in the southern part were given to the theater and feasts.

During the Industrial Revolution the southern bank of the river had become a manufacturing center. Only in recent decades it began to merge with the northern part of the aristocratic metropolis where there are known landmarks such as the National Theatre and Shakespeare's Globe.

The path along the Thames, is a wonderful place for walking. The relatively new bridge, Millennium Bridge, which is over the Thames, is the first made bridge entirely for pedestrians. It is the first such facility over the Thames for nearly 100 years. The bridge can take you also to the Tate Modern gallery.

River Thames

Traditionally in London every year in mid September, a festival of the River Thames takes place. The festival is internation and is the largest at the end of summer, traditionally organized under the patronage of the Mayor of London.

Usually this event is held to celebrate the city and its river, which visited by around 700, 000 visitors from around the world. Typically, celebrations are held on the south bank of the Thames, near the prestigious "Royal Festival Hall".

The River Thames in London has located on it the smallest bar in the world according to Guinness book. The restaurant is a size just of 1.27 to 2.39 meters. The large tides of the Thames for centuries bear misfortunes of the city. Especially after the devastating flood in 1953 when 300 people drowned and therefore arose the need for barrier facilities to control the tide of the Thames.

So, in 1974 began the construction of the Thames Barrier, which is a mobile barrier with a floating futuristic form. It stretches along a 523 meter width of the Thames in east London. The project was completed after 10 years and was officially opened by the Queen.



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