Santa Clarita, California

Santa Clarita is a city located within the State of California and is the fourth largest city in the county of Los Angeles. The population of Santa Clarita is about 176 000 people. Santa Clarita Valley is located in Santa Clarita. Santa Clarita is known for its forest fires. Almost every year there brake out a giant forest fires. Fires run high in late summer and early autumn.
Santa Clarita is warm during most of the year. Rain rarely falls, and the summer is hot and dry. This is due to the proximity of Santa Clarita to the Mojave Desert. In July, August and September are the warmest months. The winter here is warm, temperatures rarely fall below freezing.
Twice in the history of the town a strong earthquake is unleashed- it was the earthquake of San Fernando in 1971 and the Northridge earthquake in 1994. The second earthquake affected a lot of buildings in the city.
Santa Clarita was incorporated in 1987 as a union of several communities which include Canyon Country, Newhall, Saugus and Valencia which were replacing the former Rancho San Francisco.
The territory of Santa Clarita’s famous park was built for entertainment, known as the magic mountain of the seven flags. The park is located outside the city and is located in Los Angeles County.
Santa Clarita was incorporated very recently, but her story is very old. In the fifth century BC in the area where today the city is located, lived the tribe of Indians Tataviam.
In 1842, six years before the discovery of the Sacramento region, Francisco Lopez made the first documented discovery of gold in the area of California.
Newhall, which is a component of Santa Clarita, was named after Henry Newhall, a businessman who managed to make a fortune during the California Gold Rush. He opens the auction house in San Francisco, then headed the construction of railways. Then Newhall was involved in real estate business. He sold over five hundred square kilometers of land that lies between Monterey and Los Angeles.
In 1876, the city began the production of oil, leading to the rise of the California oil industry. Oil is refined at the refinery in Newhall, which today is the oldest refinery in the world.
In the same year, the railroad that connects Los Angeles with the rest of the country reached there. In 1887, the restaurant Saugus Cafe was opened, which is the oldest restaurant in Los Angeles County still operating today.
In the twentieth century, Santa Clarita became known, as many Hollywood productions tend to shoot here. Young John Wayne regularly appeared in various hit productions in this city.
In March 1928, the city became known for the breaking of the dam William Mulholland's St. Francis. This led to a gigantic flood, killing four hundred and fifty people.