Santa Clara, California

Santa Clara is a city located in the territory of California. The city is located within the Santa Clara County. The city has a population of about 116 000 people.
Santa Clara is located in the heart of Silicon Valley and is a place where there are many high tech companies. In the city are the College Mission, and Santa Clara University. Santa Clara University is the oldest university in the territory of California.
In Santa Clara is located the amusement park “Great America” in California. Santa Clara owns electric power, known as Silicon Valley Power. A special combined turbine produces one hundred and forty-seven megawatts of electricity for the city and its inhabitants. Because of it, power accounts for the current residents of Santa Clara are much lower than those of the inhabitants of many cities.
Santa Clara was founded in 1777 and in 1852 is officially a town. The place where today is located the town of Santa Clara, was eighth out of twelve California missions. It was Mission Santa Clara de Asis and the city was named after the mission. The mission and the mission gardens are situated in the land of Santa Clara University. Patron of the city of Santa Clara is Saint Clare - St. Clara.
The first European who visited the area where today the city of Santa Clara is, was Jose Francisco Ortega, who arrived in the area in 1769. He found the Indian tribe Ohlone, which the Spaniards called Costanos, this meant people from the coast.
Spain began to colonize California with the construction of twenty-one missions. Mission Santa Clara de Asis was founded in 1777.

In 1846, the American flag flying over Monterey, became a symbol of the transfer of California, USA. In 1851 was founded Santa Clara College in place of the old Spanish mission. In 1852 Santa Clara was officially proclaimed a town. Since the region was very fertile, people subsist mainly in agricultural business.
In 1905 the first large glider flights were made over Santa Clara, designed by John Montgomery.
In the early twentieth century the population of the town was five thousand. The town grew relatively slowly until the sixties of the twentieth century, when high technology changed the Valley area forever.
The first hospital in Santa Clara was built in 1963. In 2007, in its place was built a modern medical center.
In Santa Clara is Agnews hospital, which is one of the best hospitals for treatment of specific mental illnesses.