»Articles»Sightseeing»Turkey»Ibrahim Pasha Palace - Ibrahim Pasa Sarayi

Ibrahim Pasha Palace - Ibrahim Pasa Sarayi

Ibrahim Pasha Palace in Istanbul

Ibrahim Pasha Palace is located in Istanbul, Turkey. Today the castle is the ancient home of the famous Turkish and Islamic Arts Museum.

Ibrahim Pasha was a historical figure - the first Grand Vizier, proclaimed by Sultan Suleiman the Great. Ibrahim Pasha was born in the late 15th century in Prague. This Vizier has an interesting history. He was sold as a slave at only 6 years old. He ended up at the Sultan's palace and quickly became good friends with the future Sultan Suleiman, who was also a child.

In the mid-16th century, good relations with the son of the ruler Ibrahim help him to be elected to important posts. This leads to the announcement and him as Grand Vizier to the Sultan.

He subsequently signed a strategic marriage with the sister of Suleiman. Several years later, following a suspected coup, Ibrahim Pasha was ousted from office and executed in 1536.

Ibrahim Pasa Sarayi in Istanbul

Legends say that the reason for his tragic death were the fears of the Sultan's wife, who feared that Ibrahim has a huge influence on her husband.

His property - Ibrahim Pasha Palace was confiscated by the government. Subsequently, the castle became the home of the future Sultans’ Viziers.

Besides as a residence, over the years the palace was used for military barracks, tailors factory, prison, and many others.

The architecture of the palace is impressive. The pavilion was the only residence built for a person outside the Ottoman dynasty. Of course, it can not compete with the brilliance and majesty of the Sultan's palaces.

The stone building is surrounded by four courtyards.

From 1983 onwards, the castle houses the Museum of Art. The Turkish Islamic Art Museum cares for a rich collection of religious valuables. There you can see treasures dating from the 8th century.

Among the exhibits, which today can be seen in the museum are antique books, manuscripts of the Koran, Islamic calligraphy, clothing, wood carvings, and other items typical of the life and culture of the Turks.

The museum has one of the richest collections of carpets in the world. Conserved here is small and large handmade bedding, some of which dates back several centuries. Visitors remain fascinated by the wealth of colorful designs and colors, as well as the fine carpets.

It is at the palace of Ibrahim Pasha that guests of Istanbul can discover the lifestyle of the locals, through ethnographic exhibitions, featuring highlights from the daily duties of the Turks. There you can see the remains of nomadic tents called Yurts.

The information in the museum is available in English.

The palace has a gift and coffee shop, from whose balcony you can enjoy the beautiful landscapes, revealed to the city.

You can visit the Ibrahim Pasha Sarayi every day from 9 am to 17 pm. In the summer working time is prolonged to 19 hours a day, except on Monday.

Access fee is 10 Turkish liras.

Ibrahim Pasha Palace is located in Sultanahmet Square. Opposite the museum is located Istanbul's Blue Mosque.



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Comments (1)

23.01.2013 10:20
Ibrahim Pasha was born in PARGA-GREECE not PRAGA-CZECH REPUBLIC. Thus his nickname was "Pargali"

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