Alsek River

Alsek river and Walker glacier in Alaska

Alsek River is fascinating, icy cold and incredibly beautiful. For rafting lovers, Alsek has long been known as one of the best places to drop a rubber boat or canoe.

Alsek River is located in Canada. It is glacial, and leaves the Yukon in northern British Columbia and Alaska. Alsek is a protected area within the National Park Kluane.

Alsek river and Walker glacier in Alaska

Alsek River follows the background of the tallest mountains in Canada. It passes through the largest Glacial mountains in the world, which are both part of one of the most magnificent and extensive bio-reserves on the planet.

Here is where you can see some of the most active glaciers in the world, in places in the river can be also be found ice pieces flowing. Rafting enthusiasts have the opportunity to climb up on a glacier or to simply navigate the beautiful glacial lake.

The area became known after the end of 1980 when here was thwarted a plan to build a mine and a road running through the heart of the conservation area. Often Alsek River connects with the popular River Tatshenshini, which begins in northwestern Canada and Alaska, but the differences between the two rivers are essential.

The areas surrounding the west coast of Alsek, to the east bank of the river are known to locals as the Dry Bay. Alsek itself starts from the merger of the rivers Dezadeash Kaskawulsh inside the National Park. Alsek reaches the Pacific Ocean only in the dry bay, and in the Gulf of Alaska.

In 1994 UNESCO declared the valley Alsek a World Heritage Site. Along the Alsek alternate only the most wondrous views of the untamed nature of Alaska - anywhere in the world you look, you will not find as many grizzly bears, as along the Alsek.

"You are in bear country” even appears on the plate at the entrance to the park Kluan. From the Lake Alsek, opens up a majestic view of the 4663 meters high peak of mt.. Fairweather. Despite its name, the climate here is crude, and the mountains are often shrouded in dark clouds.

The river is accessible to lovers of boats and kayaks in its northern parts, but further, at the place known as Turnback Canyon, a right of access is given to only the most experienced and bravest rafting professionals.

Rafting is one of the biggest challenges for lovers of strong emotions in the Alsek River. For years here rafting has become more than just a pastime, especially when you need one to go down quickly among towering glaciers.

On site, the Alsek River tourism companies provide equipment and professional guides. A 12-day trip costs U.S. $ 3695 plus airfare, and starts at Dzhakshan Heynes, Canada, and continues 160 km along the river before it ends in the Dry Gulf of Alaska. All the visitors have the opportunity to make excursions inland to observe wild animals like elk, bears, mountain goats and eagles.



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