
Buffalo, New York

Buffalo is a city located on the border with Canada. Buffalo is the second largest city after New York within the State of New York. Buffalo is a place where 261, 310 people live. It is situated on the eastern shore of Lake Erie near the source of the Niagara River, near the famous Niagara Falls.

Not far from Buffalo, across the Niagara River, Fort Erie is located. The most common version of the appearance of the town's name says that it is an expression alteration of frescoes beau fleuve, which means beautiful river. It is said that it was said by French researchers at the sight of the Niagara River. However, according to official sources Frenchmen have named Niagara as Rivière aux Chevaux – river of horses.

There is another version of the origin of the name of the city, which appeared in periodicals in 1825. It tells the story of the stolen horse meat was sold as meat from bison. After this fraudulent picnic was attended by many people, the area became known as Buffalo, which is the American word for bison.

Strangely, however, these places never had bison. Nearby is the Buffalo Bay, after which, in all likelihood, the city is named. It emerged in 1789 as a small trading settlement.


Since the end of the sixteenth century near Buffalo Indian tribes live. In the second half of the eighteenth century began to appear the first European settlements.

Once in 1825 Erie Channel was made, the city began to grow rapidly. In 1832 Buffalo obtained city status and become a powerful industrial center. In 1881, in Buffalo appeared the first street lamps in the country, to light with an electric current.

In the year 1900 Buffalo is the eighth largest city in America and gradually became an important railway junction. Buffalo is the largest center for milling of Brescia in the country and most powerful in the world center for the production of steel.

Buffalo NY

In 1901 the territory of the Buffalo, an exhibition is held at which the public first became acquainted with the inventions of Nikola Tesla. During the exhibition, visitors were fascinated by the tourist attraction, called Journey to the Moon. Among the first who embarked on this tourist attraction, was the inventor Thomas Edison. After two years, all amusement parks in America were known as lunaparks. In 1990. the population dropped to a critical number of people, lowest since the 1900 year. Many businesses were closed and people moved elsewhere.

In the eyes of most Americans, the city is not a particularly good place to live, because here the weather is often bad, the Economy is not reliable and there is not enough entertainment. Downtown Buffalo is pretty big. One of the most impressive buildings in town is the Town Hall. The building overlooks Niagara Square.

The big attraction, which provides flow of tourists in town is Niagara Falls, it is located twenty-five miles north of downtown. To see the beauty of the falls, however, tourists have to reach the town of Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls consists of three waterfalls that can be observed from different observation sites, as well as by vessels approaching the river to its foot. During the summer evenings with the help of artificial lighting, the waterfalls look really fabulous.



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