
Montpellier is one of the nicest places in southern France, which will not disappoint its visitors. Situated only 10 km from the Mediterranean coast, Montpellier is a pleasant resort town, popular for its many festivals and is an excellent university center. Often the streets of Montpellier in the summer are filled with students and thousands of people came here to rest on some of the nicest beaches on the coast.
Montpellier is located on the River Lez in the Languedoc-Roussillon region and today gains fame of the fastest growing city in France over the past 25 years. On the business card of Montpellier stand varied characteristics, of an elegant and artistic city, nestled between the sea, with picturesque French vineyards and mountain scenery.
The mild sunny climate of Montpellier makes it an excellent resort, but combines this role with cultural and historical memory in the face of fairly well-preserved ancient buildings. Simultaneously, Montpellier is a university center with a tradition since the Middle Ages. Even today, its pride is a medical university, which has a venerable history.
Today in Montpellier live about 250 000 people in seven districts. The city has gained popularity in the 10th century as a large shopping center with good trade relations with the entire Mediterranean world and as a rich Jewish cultural center with a tradition of tolerance towards Muslims, Jews, Cathars, and later to the Protestants. In the 14th century the foundations of St. Peter's Cathedral are laid in Montpellier, which did not start with this status, but in the early 16th century the bishop moved his headquarters here from Maguelone.

Starting point for sightseeing in Montpellier Square today is Place de la Comédie, located in the southwest corner of downtown. In the south, winding medieval streets with perfectly preserved ancient architecture lead to the peaceful square Place de la Canourgue. This is the old town of Montpellier, which protects buildings from 985. In the historic center are located most of the hotels in town.
Sightseeing passes through the museum Fabre, located near the Place de la Comédie. Founded in the 19th century by François-Xavier Fabre, in 2007 the museum opened its doors after a long renovation and refurbishment costing € 61, 2 million. Here can be seen valuable works of art by world masters.
On boulevard "Henry IV” in Montpellier is situated the oldest botanical garden in France - The Jardin des plantes de Montpellier. Established in 1593, today in it can be seen 2680 plant species, including 500 endemic to the Mediterranean region. About 2000 are grown outdoors, and around 1000 - under glass.
Passing through Saint Pierre Cathedral, the Arc de Triomphe Porte du Peyrou, completed in 1693, Saint Clément Aqueduct, we arrive at the University of Montpellier, which is one of the oldest in the world. Its foundations were laid in 1160 but it only received papal recognition in 1289.