
Tacoma is a city located on the territory of Washington. Tacoma is the center of Pierce County. The city of Tacoma has a population of 198, 397 people.
Tacoma received its name from the nearby mountain Rainier, which previously was called Mount Tahoma.
One of the nicknames of the city is The City of Destiny. Here in the nineteenth century were built railway trains which connected with the deep port of Tacoma. Then the city's motto became "When rails meet the voyage". Today, the Port of Tacoma is the largest port in the territory of Washington.
Thousands of years ago, Tacoma was inhabited by Native Americans, mostly people from the culture Puyallup, who lived along the River Puyallup. In 1852, the Swede Nicolas Delin built a sawmill, around which a village was formed. However, it was abandoned during the Indian War in 1855. In 1864 civil war veteran Job Carr built the house which became the first post office in Tacoma. He later sold the land to Morton McCarver, who called the land Tacoma City because of the name of the nearby mountain.
In 1875 Tacoma was officially proclaimed a town. Already in 1873, it was selected for the North Pacific Railway terminal. In 1887, a transcontinental link was effected. In 1880, in the city lived 1098 people.

The population grew to over thirty-six thousand people only ten years later. In 1885, the mayor led a mob of white men from and pulled Chinese citizens from their homes. They took them to the station where they forcibly boarded a train to Portland. The very next day this same mob burned the houses of the expelled Chinese.
In 1939 Tacoma became notorious after the nine years old son of a wealthy local businessman was kidnapped when he came home from school. Two hundred thousand dollars were paid under the watchful supervision of the FBI as a ransom and the boy was returned to his parents. The four participants in the kidnapping were arrested.
In the mid-twentieth century, Tacoma experienced a real downturn. People left the city looking for places for a better life. In the nineties of the twentieth century the situation began to change for the better. Among the largest projects in this period were the federal court building, the museum of the history of Washington, and the accession of new wings to the campus of the University of Tacoma.
The city fights against illegal possession of illegal weapons along with the cities Boston and New York.