Mount Rainier

There are two things that are possible to connect the mountain and Mount Rainier. One is that Reiner is a potentially active volcano feed and the second is related to the paranormal. Reiner has long been known as a place where unidentified flying objects hover.
But Mount Rainier has one other thing that presents it as a unique piece of nature on our planet. Everything here is made up of fascinating nature and many wild animals and mountains, many tourist routes allow close contact with this wilderness, camping and mountaineering, allowing you to literally merge with the nature of Rainer.
The peaceful mountain Rainer is actually an active volcano, which is able to destroy almost all areas around its base. It is located about 87 km southeast of Seattle, a large city on the U.S. West Coast.
Despite the fact that the last eruption was recorded in the late 19th century landslides pose a serious risk for many people. Such landslides can reach even parts of downtown Seattle.

Mount Rainier is located in Pierce County, Washington, about ninety kilometers southeast of Seattle. In the past, the peak was known to locals as Talol, Tacoma or Tahoma, which in translation means "mother of water".
This mountain gets its name in honor of the first European to reach it in its territory. Actually the name comes from Admiral Peter Rainier, who Captain George Vancouver named the best.
With its 4400 meters, Mount Rainier is the highest in the park. Rainer is considered the most knurled tip of permafrost - 91 sq km ice shell inevitably looks up the mountain. That makes alpine climbing a hard task, but at the expense of this, its a great challenge to climbers. The most experienced usually take them 2-3 days to climb the peak. Between 8000 and 13, 000 people each year climb the peak.