Basilica of St. Peter, Rome

The amazing capital of Italy - Rome is among the most preferred destinations for millions of tourists visit from all over the world. Great is the beauty and historical and cultural heritage of Rome. Mandatory stop is the Vatican, St. Peter Basilica and Vatican Museums. Despite the huge queues in these remarkable places, you enter pretty quickly – around half an hour’s waiting. Minutes do not matter, however, considering the ultimate goal, the achievement of which will give you access to incredible works of Michelangelo and Raphael.
The St. Peter Square (Piazza San Pietro) is home of the St. Peter Basilica, which is the central holy place of the Roman Catholic Church. This magnificent temple, with its size of 15 000 square meters is considered the largest Catholic church in the world. It is named after Saint Apostle Peter, who is buried there.
In 2006, the Vatican celebrates the 500th anniversary of laying the foundations of the Basilica of St. Peter. An interesting fact is that St. Peter was burned at the stake, then his grave was made. On the tomb, a chapel was built, and later the entire basilica was built. Today you can see the memorial sarcophagus in which relics of various popes lay.
The first thing you notice on the majestic facade of St. Peter is the roof on the periphery of which are placed statues of Jesus Christ, High 5.65 meters, of John the Baptist and the 11 apostles, but not that of St. Peter. The height of the facade, built by architect Mader, is 45 meters. Width of the facade of St. Peter reaches 115 m. At the entrance gate is located the famous mosaic by Giotto from the late 8th century.
St. Peter's Basilica until recently was considered the largest church in the world. In marble and below for comparison are shown the lengths of some cathedrals. The length of the St. Paul in London is 158 meters, Milan Cathedral, 149 meters long, Cologne Cathedral - 136 meters, in Paris "Virgin Mary" (Notre Dame) is 130 meters long, St Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg reaches 112 meters in length.

The statue of St. Peter is located at the end of the central room on the right. Many believe that this statue has miraculous abilities and numerous pilgrims from around the world touch to the lips and bronze foot. Inside the dome is 119 meters high and its diameter is 42 meters, based on four pillars.
Under the dome, above the main altar of the Basilica of St Peter can be seen a masterpiece of Bernini. A canopy, 29 m high and located on four columns, which have statues of angels. Through the canopy is visible the compartment of St. Peter, which also is a work of Bernini’s. It includes the chair of the saint, over which shines the Holy Spirit. On the right is a monument to Pope Urban VIII. Left is the monument of Pope Paul III. All these brilliant works of art are the work of a pupil of Michelangelo’s.
In St. Peter's Basilica, we see one of the most brilliant masterpieces of Michelangelo - Pieta. This invaluable work is situated right in the first Chapel and Michelangelo worked on it for 25 years.