»Articles»Castles»Austria»Erlebnisburg Castle - Hohenwerfen

Erlebnisburg Castle - Hohenwerfen

Hohenwerfen Castle

Erlebnisburg or as it is also known, Hohenwerfen is an amazing castle in Austria, which has fully deserved the name. In literal translation Erlebnisburg means castle of experience.

Here are interesting and attractive things to do and see, historical collections of antique objects, beautiful scenery, accompanied by an exciting story of the castle over the centuries. You can also enjoy the specially arranged for visitors castle shows, games, etc.

Hohenwerfen Castle

Erlebnisburg is located about 40 km in the south of the Austrian city of Salzburg. It stands at one of two majestic mountains of Berchtesgaden and Tennengebirgs, which are part of the Alps. The Castle itself was built on a 155 meter cliff that rises above the valley Salzach.

To get to the ancient fortress you need to travel 3 km’s up the mountain slopes. In the future, a lift to the castle will be available, but now construction is still in its early stages.

Erlebnisburg castle was erected between 1075 and 1078 as a strategic stronghold of the bishop of Salzburg, Gebhard, who had been baptized in the local area. By order of Archbishop Henry IV he was driven from the castle, but returned in 1086. Two years later, he reached his death behind the walls of Hoenwerfen.

In the 12th century the fortress Hohenwerfen was extended, and four centuries later suffered new repairs. In ancient history the castle has served the residence of the very kings, princes, house hunting and imprisonment. Because the latter function (a state prison) the mountain palace for centuries had an ominous reputation. Here in inhumane conditions spend their last days were a number of key figures for their time, most of which were archbishops and priests.

Erlebnisburg today is particularly attractive as a tourist destination. There's a large collection of weapons, armor and combat of any accessories. A curious fact is that in one of those collections you can see the iron chastity chains which were used on men who were away from their women for a longer period of time.

Erlebnisburg Castle

Among the attractions is a spectacular demonstration show with a falconry show which caters for many of its visitors. In recent years, the interior and exterior of Erlebnisburg served as quite a playground for shooting film strips. Here there are a regular of various concerts, performances and film festivals.



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