Mexico City

Perhaps some may be surprised, but Mexico is considered one of the best tourist destinations in the world. A number of Hollywood productions have often placed Mexico as a bad place in the films, which practically has no borders with the truth. The north side, headed by Mexico's capital, Mexico City is today one of the most visited countries because of its excellent complex conditions.
In Mexico City, the ancient history, numerous religious monuments, pleasant weather conditions, good base for tourists, which is available for very reasonable prices, and many opportunities for fun, make the capital, Mexico City and all across the country a very attractive place to visit.
Mexico City is the capital and largest city of Mexico. In fact Mexico City is on the top position among the largest metropolis on earth. With its population of nearly 9 million people only in the city centers and more than 23 million across the urban areas of Mexico City it far surpasses New York in size. The capital of Mexico extends over 1485 square kilometers of area, coupled with the population, Mexico City became the most densely populated city on earth. From the mid 20th century the population of Mexico City has more than tripled.
In 1950 the number of inhabitants was approximately 3 000 000. Today the authorities of Mexico City acknowledged that it is impossible to count all people living in the capital. It is believed that a minimum of about five million live in it without any citizenship.

The first settlement at the site of today's Mexico City was founded in 1325 by the Aztecs. It then briefly became the main city in their country. In 1521 the city Conquistador Hernan Cortes invaded, which in practice equates with the then village land to lay the foundations of today's Mexico City.
The Aztec capital was built on an island in the middle of Lake Texcoco, which is near the historic Mexican city of Tenochtitlan. In the 17th century, the lake was drained, and today there is no trace of it. During the period of the Spanish conquest, the two towns merged into one large capital island with a total population of about 200-250 thousand. The mere Mexico City, Tenochtitlan was named to the 16th century.
The Historic Center of Mexico City falls in the Federal District, and the rest of the city enters in the state of Mexico. The spiritual and historical homes of Mexico City are concentrated precisely in the old part of town. The entire historic center and the "floating gardens" of Hochimilco in the southern parts of the city were declared part of the list of World Heritage sites.
Around the main central square, just steps away from each other are the biggest attractions of Mexico City. There are the city cathedral, National Palace, Delran and the ancient ruins of the Aztecs - Templo Mayor. This ancient temple was discovered accidentally in 1978 while workers dug tunnels there for underground electric cables.