Torre Annunziata

Torre Annunziata is another frozen in the lava and ashes erupted in 79 AD from Vesuvius ancient settlement. Nowadays the village is a modern seaport with unique remains from Roman times. Its location is in Naples Bay, in Campania, at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, and stands between ancient Pompei and Herculaneum. Since 1997, historical sites here have been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. To view them, and the city port, you can arrive here by train or bus from Sorrento or Naples.
The main historical sites in Torre Annunziata were discovered in 1842, they consist of the remains of three buildings with a map of the Roman roads of 13th century, recognized as part of the settlement Oplontis. Oplontis sometimes was called the town, which was the third, affected by the eruption of Vesuvius.

Undoubtedly the biggest tourist attraction here today is Vila Pompeia, which is considered the largest in the area of Pompei archaeological find. Historians say that this beautiful building belonged to Sabina, who was a slave of the Emperor Nero. Sabina was the second wife of the Emperor. Today a significant part of the villa has been excavated and restored.
Torre Annunziata consists of three parts. In one part - the production, was mobilized, to produce and cook everything necessary for the needs of the large villa and its owners. In the rest rooms were served for the homes of staff and the third part was for the rulers.
The whole farm is characterized by pomp and splendor that once hugged everything here. The courtyard is beautifully arranged with greenery and in many of the rooms are reserved exquisite frescoes and paintings that impress with their outlook. Some of the pictures depict enormous wall panels with passages of columns, illustrating the interior of the ancient ages.
Certainly the Villa is a model for lavish lifestyles of the rich Romans, to this day its Beauty and majesty are preferred by thousands of tourists annually. The modern town is like a suburb of Naples, but here people speak their own unique dialect. It is a variation of Naples, but it's different and specific in pronunciation.