»Articles»Parks»Indonesia»Komodo National Park

Komodo National Park

Komodo Dragon

Komodo National Park included in the list of World Heritage sites of UNESCO and is also officially declared a biosphere reserve. Here is the only place in the world where you can see attractive Komodo dragons, which are the largest lizards in the world. The Reserve itself is located in the middle of the Indonesian archipelago between the islands Sumbawa and Flores. It is composed of three other islands - Padar, Komodo and Rink.

These three islands, and many more smaller ones constitute a unique natural area of the national park, which stretches over a 1, 800 sq. km. area. Registered as a protected area since 1980, as a priority then and today is the protection of komodo dragons in their natural habitat. This sea world is one of the richest in the world and its preservation is one of the tasks facing the reserve. Protection of the whole animal and natural resources in the reserve is also an aspect that comes with the park's priorities over time.

Komodo Dragon

In Komodo about are 1000 living species of fish, sharks, dolphins, sea turtles, 14 species of whales and 260 species of coral and 70 species of sponges. Underwater mountains and coves here were created by some of the most beautiful coral reefs worldwide.

Undoubtedly the biggest tourist attraction here is the ability to monitor huge komodo dragons. These giant reptiles are around three meters long and with their powerful jaws are capable of eating a whole person. They move slowly and regularly show their thin tongue, lodged in their huge mouths.

Initial impression of these reptilian animals is that they move quietly and are quite cumbersome because of their thick stocky legs. But the truth is that they are able to reach the speed of a dog. They lay their eggs in the sands of the coastal dry riverbeds. They usually dig holes that serve as a place to cool when the sun gets too strong.

Since komodo dragons move from island to island by swimming, tourists in Komodo National Park must be alert to signs of them in the sand.



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