»Articles»Parks»Canada»Gaspesie National Park

Gaspesie National Park

Gaspesie National Park, Canada

Peninsula Gaspesie is a vast territory in southeastern Canadian province Quebec. The vast territory stretches between the mouth of the Saint Lawrence River and the Atlantic Ocean, north of New Barnswick.

Both starting points, from which you can reach Gaspesie are Montreal, which is a distance of 560 km away, and Quebec, Which is located about 340 km from the park. Either route can be travelled by car or train.

On the territory of the peninsula are five different regions - Upper Gaspesie, end of the earth, coast, valley and Shalyor bay. All these unique areas in the park are a most favorite place for recreation for many residents of Quebec, who come here to enjoy the coastline and the summer sun. Although the park is a popular tourist destination, sometimes in the heat of summer pre-booking in local chalets is mandatory.

The region of Gaspesia is sparsely populated, but there are many villages that are mainly engaged in fishing. Forested hills whose slopes descend to the sea’s jagged coastline with many lighthouses, that are complemented by round grazing.

One of the tourist attractions here is the so-called Percé Rock. This rock is in the sea, and it has a distinctive in shape, elongated with a large tunnel pierced at one end.

It can be seen from the shore, by boat or walk to where the tide allows it. If you can not necessarily scale the different angles, the views here at different times of day is magic. The light color highlights it differently every time. This is a favorite shooting subject of many photographers who come here from around the world.

Natural "Park de la Gaspesie" includes mountain-Shock, which is part of the Northern Appalachians. Here visitors can indulge in fishing in numerous rivers, filled with small American salmon and trout. In hills near meadows can be seen American elk and deer grazing.



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