»Articles»Sightseeing»United States»El Malpais National Monument

El Malpais National Monument

El Malpais National Monument

El Malpais National Monument is located in western New Mexico. El Malpais’ name comes from the Spanish term meaning "bad land". This area received the name because of the volcanic field that covers most of the territory.

For centuries, people were able to adapt to living in these uninviting lands. The ancient Indian civilizations crossed the dangerous places, to reach a relatively habitable area. The territory, which is now El Malpais National Monument, was a place of human life from Oasisamerica cultures.

Both Indians and Spanish settlers tried to make the desert bloom in the area of this land. The lives of these people is witnessed through petroglyphs - drawings and inscriptions carved into rocks.

El Malpais is part of the Zuni-Bandera volcanic field, the second largest volcanic field in the Basin and Range Province.

Fiery lava filled much of the pool, surrounded by hills of sandstone. The wind and water over the centuries have turned rocks into a real natural masterpiece that is paler than the surrounding landscape.

The territory of El Malpais National Monument has volcanoes which are not active, and volcanoes, which have the potential to erupt one day. The territory of the national monument shall be noted fr geothermal activity.

Some of the oldest trees of the genus Pseudotsuga grow within the El Malpais National Monument. In 1940 the Malpais volcanic field was one of eight places that the first atomic bomb had to be tested.

El Malpais National Monument, New Mexico

The territory of El Malpais National Monument has caves, who years ago were available for tourists and researchers, but in December 2010 were closed.

One of the attractions within the national monument is the La Ventana Arch, which is entirely of sandstone and is just huge. It is one of the most photographed places in the entire park.

The area known as the Narrows has peaks that rise as a fence, and are shaped by the water to turn colourful in an amazingly beautiful way.

Route for the ascent of water from the picnic ground "straits" at the top of the entities offers magnificent panoramic views worthy of perpetuation. The hill known as Cerro Encierro offers ways to climb and climb and climb to offer great views.



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