
Cambridge University

Cambridge is one of the most beautiful, peaceful and prestigious places where you can have chance to do your college years. The centuries-old reputation of Cambridge as one of the best university cities goes hand in hand with the beauty and cosy atmosphere that this English town offers. Cambridge is located in eastern England, only one hour away by train from London city. This creates additional comfort for those who wish to visit Cambridge and those who intend to choose the prestigious Cambridge University to obtain a university diploma.

Cambridge is the administrative centre of the English county.

This historic city with great architectural monuments is located in a very strategic location. It is considered one of the biggest railway junctions in the whole of England. Today, in Cambridge live about 130 thousand people, but this relatively small scale British city has given the world artists such as writer Douglas Adams (1952-2001) and musician Syd Barrett (1946-2006). Also, Cambridge is a highly developed technology centre.

The first evidence of occupation of lands around todays Cambridge comes before the Roman Empire. However, in the first major data comes from about 40 AD, after when Rome conquers Britain. The hilly areas were very convenient for the construction of fortifications and defences of the River Cam, which runs through Cambridge. After several centuries Cambridge was in possession of the Anglo-Saxons and then the Vikings. In 1068 William of Normandy built a large fortress on the hill. Round church, can even today can be seen in Cambridge also dates from this medieval period.

In 1209 a group of scientists and fugitives from Oxford arrive in Cambridge and base today's university of Cambridge, which is one of the most prestigious universities in the world.


University of Cambridge is the second oldest university in Britain and one of the oldest in the English-speaking parts of the world. As in Oxford at the time, but long after that, teaching and dealing with science are closely related to religion, and theology. Another feature of these schools is that their associations of independent colleges, each with its own rules and traditions. For the two centuries-old universities is typical a noble rivalry and their students are often referred to as Oxbridge graduates.

Today the annual rankings of the most prestigious publications such as "Times" allot of the university in Cambridge first ranking among the most comprehensive resources for schools.

Of about 130 000 inhabitants, 20 000 is the number of students in the academic English town. As a city with a long tradition in learning and teaching, graduates of Cambridge comply with strict etiquette. The university and its colleges have a strict uniform. The girls wear short skirts, or shorts and the boys are all wearing white stockings. Uniforms for students at the University of Cambridge are dark green.

One of the interesting buildings in Cambridge is the university library, which is available to students. The whole town is quiet, calm and comfortable. There are many different libraries, bookstores, galleries, museums, theatres, cinemas, gyms and restaurants. Medieval university buildings lend an awesome atmosphere to Cambridge. It is complemented by cobblestone streets in the old town and the boatmen on the River Cam, as well as thousands of bikers who travel the coastal paths.

Nightlife is also not lacking in Cambridge and certainly not to be missed if you find yourself in this near - London city. Night waking, pubs, clubs, bars and student parties are all there to enjoy. Students, trainees and residents enjoy a good drink with their preferred music, entertainment and dancing. One can not help but go along with philosophical discussions and competent opinions.

In early 2009 the University of Cambridge was a venerable 800 years old. Thousands of people gathered in downtown Cambridge to celebrate the 800 years old prestigious school. Residents and guests, and numerous residents of the campus witnessed a three-hour show, presenting the 8 century history of the university.



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