San Bernardino

San Bernardino is a city located in California and is the center of San Bernardino County. The city of San Bernardino houses 209 924 people.
San Bernardino is part of the so-called Inland Empire. This is a territory which unites the oldest cities in the state – Riverside, San Bernardino and Ontario, as well as their municipal areas. San Bernardino Valley comes from San Bernardino, the city. San Bernardino Valley has hot and cold springs.
San Bernardino is one of the oldest cities in California. The town is named after St. Bernardino of Siena. This happened in 1810. At that time the city was never a densely populated area.
In 1851, when California became a part of the United States during the Civil War, things changed. The first Anglo-American colony consisted of settlers, among whom were a religious group from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They emigrated in 1857, during the war of Utah.
In 1857 San Bernardino received city status. Soon afterwards the town became an important transportation and commercial hub of California.
Local population of the region of San Bernardino valley and surrounding mountains was named by settlers from Spain with the word serranos, which literally mean mountain people.
Serranos lived near the site, which today is known as Big Bear Lake and called themselves Yuhaviatam, which in local language meant people of the pines.
In 1866, to clear space for new settlers and prospectors were organized paramilitary units for the population of California to cause the displacement of local populations.
There was a thirty-two day campaign for the emigration of local residents. The leader of the tribe Santos Manuel led his tribe from their native places at the foot of Mount San Bernardino, where there was a rural area. In 1891 the U.S. government established a tribal area reserve there and it was named after Santos Manuel.
In 1883 was established a railway line that connects Los Angeles with the rest of the world. World War II created a military aviation base near Norton. In 1948, the McDonald brothers founded a fast food chain and called it on their own family name.
In 1980 the city had a spectacular fire that was called Panorama Fire. The fire destroyed two hundred eighty-four buildings. At the end of the twentieth century Norton military base was closed and it became San Bernardino International Airport.
In 1889 the city hotel was built near the springs that have curative effects on the body. In 1905 began production of bottled water from the cold waters of San Bernardino.