
Lavenham is a lovely medieval town situated in English County of Suffolk. This village is said by many to be the most beautiful place in this part of England, it is situated in a relatively hilly area of the ridge, which is formed along the west bank of the River Brett. From Sudbury, Lavenham is about five miles to the northeast.
Data on the population of this region comes from Roman times, as Lavenham is mentioned in the Book of Judgment. More than 300 perfectly preserved medieval buildings and houses create the fabulous and relaxed atmosphere in the village. All of them are registered as cultural monuments.
Clearly there are many historical sights that every tourist in Lavenham must visit. Among them is Gildoh, which is one of the most impressive buildings here. Raised in the early 16th century it was half built of wood. Over the years this building has been used as a jail, as a shelter for homeless people, and finally as an inn. Today in Gildoh is housed a local museum, the facade and interior are fuly restored and very beautiful.

Here, the traditional color in which the houses are painted, is pink. The scarlet walls of the buildings are all around the winding streets of the village. In the 16th and 17th century Lavenham wool trade flourished, from that time remain the houses of weavers of Water Street. In a typically provincial style, today you can see buildings that have thatched roofs.
Particularly impressive is the local church, which was completed in 1525, with about 5-6 centuries of history, this building has barely changed, but its architecture is a perfect example of so-called perpendicular architecture. For its construction is "guilty" the duke of Oxford, who persuaded the famous Spring Family to raise the church tower as a gift for the successful battle of Bosworth in 1485. The church today can be seen with two boars carved in stone. The column’s name is John of Verus, in Latin, boar is verres.