Evansville, Indiana

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Evansville, Indiana

Evansville is a city located in the territory of Indiana. Evansville is the third largest city in the territory of Indiana. The population of the city which is located Vanderburgh County is about 118 000 people.

In Evansville is the Evansville University and the University of Southern Indiana.

The town was founded in 1812 along the Ohio River. Evansville city is also known as River City. The city created the first floating casino on the territory of Indiana.

In 1812 Hugh McGary Junior buys land called McGary's Landing. Two years later, to attract more people in town who wants to set up, they change the name of McGary’s Landing to Evansville.

He chose this name in honor of Colonel Bob Evans, an officer who fought during the war in 1812. Vanderburgh County was created in 1818. Evansville was elected to the administrative center of Vanderburgh County.

Evansville quickly became a bustling commercial city, with well-developed trade along the river. In 1847 Evansville was officially recognized as a city. The Erie Canal accelerates the development of the city. The advent of the railway attracted many new families in town.

The first highway on the Ohio River was built in 1932 and connected Evansville with Henderson, Kentucky.

During World War II it became the largest producer of a specific version of the P-47 aircraft Thunderbolt, known as P-47D. After the war the factory, which produces the aircraft began to produce world-famous brands of refrigerators.

In the fifties of the twentieth century the city developed rapidly in industrial terms.

In the last third of the twentieth century, Evansville becomes a commercial, medical and service center. The expansion of the University of Southern Indiana infused fresh investments in the city. There were emerging companies and large corporations, which create many jobs in town.

On the sixth in November 2005, an F3 tornado strikes Evansville causing the death of twenty-five people. The tornado caused damage worth over eighty-five million dollars. The city quickly recovered after the tornado through the united efforts of all residents of the community.

The Victory Theater is an old building with one thousand nine hundred and fifty seats. In the building is located the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra. The theater is home to the local ballet, and many theatrical studios.

Outdoor performances are played in the Mesker Amphitheatre, which has eight thousand five hundred seats.

Major sporting events and spectacular concerts are held at Roberts Stadium, which has twelve thousand five hundred seats.

The city has a New Harmony Theatre, which was established at the University of Evansville in the sixties of the twentieth century.

The Public Theater of Evansville is created in the twenties of the twentieth century. The University of Evansville has a great theater program. It is the only institution with Yale, which was allowed to perform at Kennedy Center without first passing through binding competition.

The town hosts a traditional Mid-Autumn Festival, which brings to the streets of Evansville one hundred and fifty thousand people. The big attraction of the festival is the food that is in Halloween topics - brain sandwiches, steaks from alligator, crickets in chocolate. Each year in July, in the city is held the festival of freedom.

Angelic mounds located near the town, are recognized as one of the best reserved places of abode of paleo- Indians.

Evansville has a museum of arts, history and science. Here is the oldest planetarium in Indiana. The city has a children's museum.



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