
Warren is a city located in the territory of Michigan. It is located in the county Macomb. The population is about 134 000 people.
Warren is the largest city within the county Macomb. The city has many military and technical centers. Warren occupies a total area of eighty-nine square kilometers.
Warren City was founded in 1830 as Beebe's Corners. It was founded on the corner of Mound Road and Chicago Road. The first inhabitant of the town was Charles Groesbeck.
Then came a mill, a tavern and trading post. The Hickory settlement was founded, which was renamed Aba. In April 1838 the town was renamed Warren.
There was a priest named Abel Warren, a veteran of the war in 1812 and a Methodist preacher. He went around the area to convert, bury and marry pioneers in the area, and to preach.
According to another version the city was named after general Joseph Warren, a hero of the Bunker Hill battle.
The settlement grew slowly and in 1940 had a population of five hundred and eighty-two people. In 1936 Warren was officially recognized as a city. Between 1950 and 1960 the population of Warren increased from 42 653 people to 89 426 people.
In Warren Public, the Library is located, except the main one, there are three additional branches. In 2010, three branches of the library closed. One of the branches was restored a month later. In Warren There are twenty-four city parks.
There are lower levels of violence and higher levels of property crime than other cities.