
Beaumont, Texas

Beaumont is a city located in the territory of Texas. Beaumont is located within Jefferson County and is the administrative center of the county. The population of the city of Beaumont is 118, 296 people. Together with Port Arthur and Orange, it forms the Golden Triangle, a large industrial zone of the Gulf. The city covers an area of two hundred twenty-two square kilometers.

Beaumont is located forty-eight kilometers from the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and south of the dense pine forests of East Texas. In the city of Beaumont is located Lamar University, in which fifteen thousand students study.

In 1824 Noah and Nancy Tevis settled on the west bank of the river Neches and created a farm. After some time around the farm grew a small village called Tevis Bluff.

In 1835 the land where the farm Tevis was, together with fifty acres of land in Santa Ana were purchased by Henry Millard, Joseph Pulsifer and Thomas Huling, which start planning to build a town on this land. The town is called Beaumont, in the name of deceased year earlier wife of Henry Millard - Mary Dewburleigh Barlace Warren Beaumont.

San Jacinto, Beaumont

Beaumont is recognized as a city in 1838. Joseph Pulsifer is one of the founders of Beaumont and donates first fifty acres on which the town was founded.

Entrepreneurship thrives in Beaumont from its early years. Wholesale and retail, real estate business and logistics are among the activities that provide the livelihood of the city.

Beaumont became a prosperous regional shipping center. Here was one of the first factories processing rice in Texas. It attracts many immigrants to Beaumont, who want to find opportunities for a better life. The population grew with such speed that nine from thousand in January 1901, it increased to thirty thousand in March 1901. Oil became the main business of the city.

In the twenties of the twentieth century industry for processing of rice developed, a commercial port was built, in the city was founded the first library in the building of the first Baptist church.

During World War II the city became a shipbuilding center. Then tens of thousands willing to work in this area arrived in the city. The city had a racial riot in 1943 when workers in the shipyards of Beaumont realized that a white woman accused a black man of rape.

In 1996 the court of Jefferson County, which was located in Beaumont, became the first court in the country, which used the electronic archiving of documents.

In 2005 and 2008, Beaumont and surrounding areas are stricken by Hurricane Rita and Ike. The citizens had to be evacuated for two weeks.

The fair of South Texas is held in Beaumont in March each year. This is the second largest fair in the state with over five hundred thousand visitors.

The city holds marathons, jazz festivals, film festivals and rock concerts often. Every winter in the city is held the winter parade.



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