Main River

River Main is one of the largest in Germany. It is one of the main tributaries of the majestic Rhine, and along Main are many beautiful spots and scenic views. Main locations along her are Frankfurt, hence the name Frankfurt (Frankfurt am Main). Against the backdrop of this big German business center, the romantic aura around the river is somehow lost and Main had failed to gain popularity such as the Thames or Seine.
However, in spring and summer, Frankfurt Main is one of the best places to escape from the noise of Frankfurt. During warmer months, the river and its wharves are covered with tourist cruises and boats offering sailing or dining on board. Main flows through the territory of Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and Hesse, and for a small section outlines the border between Bavaria and Baden-Wuerttemberg.
The length of the Main River is estimated at 524 km, and if added to it and the length of White Main the length in kilometers is able to reach 574 km. The river begins near the end of Kulmbach, at the merger of its initial sleeves - Red Main and the White Main. Red Main rises by Frankish Alb, runs for 50 km, passes through Creussen and Bayreuth.
Main white stems of the mountain hills of Fichtelgebirge, the length of the river is about 41 km. In the upper and middle course of this water, it passes through a sleeve of incredibly beautiful areas and valleys of the German Highlands. The lower part of the river flows into the Rhine. Most major of the tributaries of the Main are Regnitz, Fränkische Saale, Tauber, Nidda. Main River is a right (eastern) tributary of the Rhine .

The name of the River Main is derived from nasturtium "Moenus" or "Menus". After Aschaffenburg the river takes bearing on a westward course and reaches Frankfurt and the Rhine crossing over Mainz. The river is channeled up to Bamberg, which makes it part of the Main-Danube Canal, completed in 1992, and connects the Rhine and Danube, thus creating the 3500-kilometer waterway between the North Sea and Black Sea.
In Frankfurt over the River Main were built several bridges. Over time the bridge was only one, but today it is known as the Old Bridge that connects Old Town with Sachsenhausen. The story of this bridge over the Main is well documented from 1222 onwards, but it is believed that the transition over the river had been undertaken long before that date.

Long old bridge was flanked by two towers at the ends, but one was destroyed in 18 century and the second fell in the early 19th century. Old bridge over the Main is one of the best places for photographs of the river and walk.
Brickegickel is the place that marks the deepest point of the River Main. The name literally means "fountain of the bridge”. From 1401 onwards this point is marked by a crucified Christ, which helps boats to pass under the bridge on Main. The Cross, which can now be seen is the sixth in a row in this space. Its current placement was in 1994, after two years earlier the previous crucifix was stolen.