Fontainebleau Castle

Fontainebleau (fr. Fontainebleau) is a beautiful woodland, lying about 55 km in the south of the French capital Paris. Among the picturesque woods, here was erected a beautiful castle, which is one of the most visited tourist destinations across France. Adjacent to the palace and the city, which is a favorite getaway for Paris people at weekends.
Fontainebleau castle was built in the 12th century and originally served as a house for hunting. Only 4 centuries later, by order of Francis lst they begin work on its transformation into palace. Several famous Italian artists such as Rosso Fiorentino and Francesco Primaticho had the task to make it beautiful and painted the interior of Fontainebleau. So it become a royal residence, Fontainebleau became popular for a base for hunting excursions to the royal court.
Quickly, however, the attention of Louis XIV moved to the palace of Versailles and Fontainebleau, is forgotten. The glory of the palace is restored again after Napoleon Bonaparte elected him to his seat. Today the palace tourists can see the so called Napoleonic apartment and the museum Napoleon.
Fontainebleau occupies about 170 acres of land, in 1900 it had many rooms. More than two thirds of them have been preserved and restored to its original appearance. Everywhere on the walls and ceilings is a generous decoration with silk upholstery, wood and marble friezes, frescoes and ornaments of expensive fine wood and marble and gold fittings. Almost everywhere are intertwined initials and heraldic symbols of the rulers and their wives.

Particularly interesting is the hall of Francis, with interesting ornamental plaster. Most of them translating classic scenes of managing a wise ruler. In the ballroom you can also the see beautiful frescoes.
The beautiful garden of the castle is located with a large lake with carp. Many visitors in the Fontainebleau throw small pieces of bread and watch with interest how the fish fight to come up and eat.