Leptis Magna

Leptis Magna is one of the only completely preserved Roman cities in the world and among the most attractive tourist destinations in Libya. Situated on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa in the Libyan province, this unique ancient monument Leptis Magna was built under the rules of the Roman architectural tradition.
Located about 120 km east of Tripoli near the town of Al-Khoms, Leptis Magna is an ancient cultural and commercial center. Leptis Magna occurred around 10th century BC as a Phoenician trading colony.
At the time of Julius Caesar, Leptis Magna population was around 100 000 people. During Trajan's, Leptis Magna became a colony, but at the time of Severus, who was born there, the city gets called ius italicum, which means more tax exemptions. The location is the end point of trade routes, so prospered the agricultural commodities such as olives.
Production and processing became popular to the population there in 46 BC so the emperor Julius Caesar imposed on residents an annual tax of about a million and a half liters of oil.
For many centuries Leptis Magna had suffered defeats and invasions of various nomadic tribes, Vandals and Arabs. Around 523, it became subject to one of the plundering attacks do its inhabitants abandoned it.
In the ruins of the town are the Arc de Triomphe in the north, the baths and the old and new forum and theater. The extremely beautiful and impressive Amphitheatre is also restored and located in the Sea Circus.

Excavations of the ancient cultural center began in 1911-1912 by a group of Italian archaeologists. Another attraction which must necessarily be seen there are the famous Hadrian's Baths. And if you decide to visit Leptis Magna, do it in spring and autumn period, because in the summer the heat is able to kill any tourist enthusiasm.