Doornenburg Castle

Doornenburg Castle is a romantic mansion located in the eastern part of central-eastern Dutch province Gelderland. Doornenburg Castle was erected in a beautiful green area, close to the town of the same name and is considered one of the largest, most well-preserved castles in the Netherlands. According to many castle Doornenburg and is the oldest such building in the Netherlands.
The original castle was built on this spot in the ninth century and at that time was known as Villa Doorenburg. From this early structure was developed a structure of relatively modest castle in 13 and 14 century, was finished in 15 and 16 century. From then onwards changes essential in the construction of Doornenburg not been made.
The main castle was completed in 15 century, when finally a patio is built. The front room contains a castle, a chapel and a small farm, which is unusual for the castles of this type. Most likely, the chapel was built in 16th century for farm buildings and later - 17-18 century.
For Doornenburg Castle we can not tell anything particularly interesting until 1936. This castle has never had any strategic military or political significance for the Netherlands, has never come under siege, and among its owners and there are no important or famous names. Among its owners were the families Van Doornik, Van Bylandt and van Homoet.
In 1936 Doornenburg Castle was purchased from a local industrialist named JH. van Heek, who also bought Bergh Castle as well. Powerful new owner creates foundation to protect Doornenburg and it was completely restored in 1941. During World War II the castle was the seat of the German army, which is reason to be destroyed by British bombers on March 14, 1945.
Although the cause of the resurrection of Doornenburg Castle seems lost in the postwar years the Foundation began to work again and the castle was completely rebuilt in the late medieval style in 1966. Today the castle is open for tourist visits against an entrance fee of 4 Euro for adults and € 2.5 for children.