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Victorville, Route 66

Victorville is a city located in the territory of California. It is located in the Victor Valley in San Bernardino County. The population is about 115 00 people.

The town's history begins in 1858 when Aaron Lane arrives in the area to create a place for travelers passing through the desert to stay. He built a building near the Mojave River.

Captain Lane was a veteran of the Mexican-American War, who during the war suffered from severe malaria. He had no intention to build a station for passengers, but to join the prospectors during the gold rush in California. But then he found that he can deliver goods to prospectors.

Although his health had not improved, he discovered that the dry desert air, it affected him well. He settled in the area in 1858 and remained there for twenty-five years. Gradually, beside his passenger point a settlement began to take shape. Besides him, in 1860, in the area already lived another ten people.

In 1895 the village was called Victor, named after the general manager of the Southern California railway company Jacob Nash Victor. In 1901, U.S. Postal Service changed the name to Victorville to avoid confusion with the town of Victor in Colorado.

In 1941 a military base near Victorville was built, which later became an Air Force Base in George. It was founded in 1947.

In 1992, George Air Force Base was closed. The area where the houses of the military were became like a ghost town, and it was used for military training flights.

In 1962 the city Victorville was officially entered into California.

Near the town in 1977 was run over actor Ron Haydock, who was hitchhiking.

In 2007 Victorville held a of driving competition with autonomous robots. The prize of one million dollars was earned by the team at Carnegie Mellon University.

In 1995 began a revitalization project. In the area of Old Town in Victorville, in 2008, began the demolition of unsafe buildings. The construction of a large complex with restaurants, pedestrian areas and entertainment venues then took place.



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