Jackson Lake

Jackson Lake and Mount Morraine

Jackson Lake, in northeastern Wyoming, is within the Grand Teton National Park and is a popular recreation area in the U.S. The holiday house Jackson Lake Lodge offers first-class eco-resort facilities in which everyone can stay and see the beautiful scenery of the Yellowstone National Park.

The complex of Lake Jackson’s entertainment options are many - from shopping and walking around the beautiful lake, to boating, golf and hikes through the beautiful scenery of the park.

Jackson Lake stands beautifully against the 1830 m high giant Mount Moraine. The lake itself is a natural watercourse, with the exception of 10 meters of water, which were part of the existing dam in 1911. This water reserve is used for irrigation by farmers in Idaho. Jackson is a lake of glacial origin and is still fed by glaciers from the surrounding mountain peaks.

The main source that feeds Jackson is the Snake River, which enters the water pool on the north side. Jackson is one of the highest lakes in the U.S., it was formed at an altitude of 2064 meters. The length of the pool reaches 25 km and its width is about 11, 25 km.

The maximum depth of Lake Jackson is 134 meters. Even in summer the water of Jackson is ice cold, and often in winter, an ice cover is formed with a thickness of about 1.8 meters.

In the lake live several trout species and the fauna around it features a wide variety. Here can be seen elk and bison in the wild. Among the islands of Lake Jackson are Donoho Point and Elk Island.

Near the northern end of the lake begins separate national park, named after John D. Rockefeller. This protected area stretches to the southern entrance of Yellowstone.

This route joins the road to Grand Teton National Park, which follows the east coast of Lake Jackson. Here is a great fishing zone and a place where one can hire a boat and take a cruise along the crystal waters of Jackson.

Along the east coast, several marinas are located. All of them, except the holiday base in Lake Jackson Lodge, have ramps and are accessible from the water. If you prefer solitude in nature, then head to the west coast of Jackson, which has several hiking routes and a camping area.



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