Lake Garda

Lake Garda, also known as Lago di Garda is the largest lake in Italy. In the northern part of the country Garda not equaled in it’s dimensions and Beauty. And Lago di Garda probably is one of the most magnetic water body sights, which can be seen in Italy.
Garda is located about halfway between the unique cities Venice and Milan. Glaciers formed this alpine region at the end of last ice age. Lake Garda and its shoreline are divided between the provinces of the southeast Verona, Brescia to the southwest and Trento in the north direction.
Lake Garda extends a total area of 370 square kilometers. This is unrivaled within Italy for a basin reaching length of 52 km and its maximum width is about 17-18 miles. The largest depth measured in Lake Garda is estimated at 346 meters, which ranks it second among the deepest lakes in Italy, immediately after the picturesque Lake Como. Many people define the shape of Garda as a bottle whose bottom is facing south.
It is great and wide, and the "neck" of the bottle looks at the southernmost foothills of the Alps, reminiscent of a fjord. Some even compare the form of Garda to the violin, but this comparison is rather with the fact that upon its shores, the beautiful Italian resorts provide year-round music and the sounds of serenity prevail.
At the northern-most point of Lake Garda, Riva town is located. The town is known as "Little Verona”, because every summer the square of Riva becomes the host of an international opera music festival. Along the beautiful body of water frequently travel transport companies, which offer scenic walks with cars or motorcycles around the shore of the lake.

There also are town Garda and simpler Gardone, and popular resort and spa complex Sirmione. Garda X you can also see in all its glory, if you get on the tourist ferry, which allows you to enjoy the coast in all its beauty. Lake Garda is a major tourist destination in Italy.
Due to the closeness of Milan, which is one of the world's fashion capitals, Lake Garda is favored as a place to conduct a series of events, shows, parties for famous fashion designers, etc. Throughout the riverfront of city Garda line up exclusive hotels and resorts. Generally the banks of the largest lake in Italy are extremely heterogeneous, as most settlements are built on its southern part.
You can visit some of the best beaches - wide, covered with fine sand, they are charming place for rest and relaxation. The north coast of Garda begins to approach the mountain heights, and the small towns located around are extremely beautiful and picturesque. In the northwest, near Limone, cliffs descend straight into the water of Lake Garda.
There are plenty of mountain rivers and waterfalls which pours their water into Garda. If head north-east, you will approach the town Riva, which stands below the hills of Monte Baldo. The towns Garda and Bardolino are a favorite among lovers of surf sports.