
Tower Bridge in London is one of the emblematic buildings in the capital. It was officially opened by the Prince of Wales and future King of England – Edward VII, which cuts the official ribbon on June 30, 1894 Today the...

Lake Pontchartrain Causeway is a system of two parallel bridges that connect both ends of Lake Pontchartrain. At this stage the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway with its length of 38.4 km is considered to be the longest bridg...

The Oklahoma State Capitol is perhaps the most memorable landmark in Oklahoma City.
It is home to both the rulers of the U.S. state of Oklahoma and the Supreme Court (located on the second floor). In the west wing of ...

Walking through the historic streets and squares of the Spanish city of Salamanca, there is no way a person can not be impressed by the beautiful building of the Anaya Palace.
This ancient building, situated on the h...

Hawaii is a volcanic archipelago. Today the volcano has long been inactive, but the caldera Diamond Head remains, at the foot of which is the capital Honolulu. Diamond Head is an amazing sight, which outlines the backgro...

The declaration of Independence was adopted and signed in 1776 in a beautiful building in Philadelphia where in 1787 was accepted and signed the U.S. Constitution.
This building is known as Independence Hall. The univ...

Karaweik is the name of an amazing floating palace in the form of a swan, which is one of the most glamorous and interesting sights of Yangon. Karaweik, bathed in gold and richly decorated floats on the beautiful Kandawg...

Sabratha is a magnificent ancient city which is now buried in ruins, but remains one of the most respected, important and popular tourist attractions in Libya. Sabratha is a former Phoenician capital, which at the dawn o...

Jefferson Memorial is located in Washington and is a tribute to the memory of Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, first Secretary of State and third U.S. president. Besides renowned politician, J...

Rockefeller Center is a huge office center, which was built in Manhattan with investments by financial magnates of the Rockefeller family in the thirties of the twentieth century.
Most famous are the fourteen building...

Dendera Temple complex is a religious ritual house of the ancient Egyptians. Dendera is located 60 km north of [Luxor], 8 km from the Kena and about 2.5 km southeast from the village of Dendera. Here you can see one of t...