Yodo River

Yodo River and Osaka at night

At the mouth of beautiful Yodo River was built the third largest in population city in Japan - Osaka, located on the island of Honshu. The river springs from the largest freshwater pool in the country of the rising sun - Lake Biwa, located prefecture Shiga, located north of Osaka.

Yodo is "born" from the merger of rivers Kamo, Seta River and Kizu River south of Kyoto.

Reaching Osaka, Yodo River empties into the Gulf of Osaka. The river is 75 km long. Its basin area is 8240 km ².

Yodo River is also known by two other names , forming different parts of its river basin, namely the Seta River and River Uji. Around the river actually is found even today the huge and colorful city of Osaka. Early in the mouth of the river have been formed small villages, then thanks to the development of trade relations, merging in the attractive city of Osaka.

Already in 1596 the provident and technologically savvy Japanese started to build dykes along the river, which could successfully regulate its level. Three centuries later, in 1897, the Japanese government decided to divert part of the river flow. Then implementing large-scale engineering solutions, thanks to which part of iodine is diverted into an artificial leg, 10 km long and 1 km wide. The facility was built north of the natural course of iodine.

Yodo River in Japan

Iodine has many great features associated with irrigation water and electricity. Historically, the river was very important I it’s transport role as well, especially during the so-called Edo period - time in which from 1603 to 1867 in Japan was established lasting peace and the country was politically and financially stable managed by Tokugawa Ieyasu. It was in this period, Osaka developed into an economic center and cultural capital of the Asian country.

Today the inhabitants of the former capital of Japan believe that Yodo River is one of the main culprits for the welfare and prosperity of Osaka. In her honor every year are organized various events in which the story is through photographs, paintings or other art for the relationship between city residents and their "lifeblood" - River Yodo . Tradition dictates that the end of the celebrations is to be marked with a lavish spectacle of fireworks over the river.

Today, authorities in Japan are trying to introduce long-term measures, compliance with which would improve water quality, natural and urban environments for both Yodo River and its source lake Biwa. Both bodies of water are of strategic importance to the life and health of the population of Japan.



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