»Articles»Parks»United States»Kalalau Valley - Hawai

Kalalau Valley - Hawai

Kalalau Valley in Hawai

Kalalau Valley in Hawai is part of the State Park Kokes in Kauai, Hawaii. Kalalau is one of those wonderful places in the world where everyone leaves their heart’s passion for natural beauty. An amazingly beautiful and diverse valley occupies the northwestern end of the Hawaiian island of Kauai.

Kalalau is within the protected area of Na Pali Coast State Park, and includes the beautiful Pali Coast. It is quite rocky and inaccessible to vehicles. The only way you get to this beautiful beach is by canoe or on tourist routes in the valley Kalalau, known as the Kalalau Trail.

Kalalau is an amazing blend of high hills, sea caves, waterfalls and water bodies. Vegetation and numerous fruit trees make the valley one of the largest and most loved natural sights in Hawaii. Extremely beautiful is canyon Waimea.

Although access to Kalalau is demanding - by sea, on foot and by helicopter, every year the valley is visited by thousands of people. The best way to explore this natural area is, of course, a walk. Chief assistant here, is the Kalalau Trail.

The entire valley is surrounded by rolling hills, rising up to 610 meters. The accessible portion of the area Kalalau is about 3.2 km in length and 0.80 km wide. Lots of sun and rain here are a prerequisite for the amazingly rich flora and fauna. In many places you will see the entire slopes covered with Taro plants, which was grown by local before they moved out of the area because of its protected status.

To reach the valley Kalalau by canoe from the sea, you will need special permission from local authorities. Most people choose the uneasy but extremely attractive walk through the valley. It is 18 km long and objectives include overcoming very difficult areas such as streams, slippery rocks, muddy roads, and many steep, zigzaging ascents and descents.

Kalalau Valley Kauai

Although nobody lives in the valley Kalalu over the past many years, other than the half-naked Polynesians, different people arrived here, such as hippies, doctors, etc., which call Kalalau home. Indigenous peoples here mostly survive on growing plants and fishing.

Catching fish here is great between July and April. Then all locals moved along the rock caves. Often, on the Hoolea Falls stood an observer, who warned fishermen below of the fish passages.

Located at an altitude over 1, 000 meters above sea level, the valley Kakalau became home and retreat of the American Dr. Bernard Wheatley in the 50s and 60s of last century. He lived in a cave on the coast, until one day he decided to commit suicide by throwing himself into the ocean.

Then crowds of hippies poured into Kalalau, in search of land where they can live freely. At that time one of the most regular sights encountered by ordinary tourists in Kalalau were naked hippies bathing or gathering fruit from the local trees.



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