Verde Valley

Bell Rock in Verde Valley

Verde Valley occupies the central part of the U.S. state of Arizona. This is one of the most popular places in the U.S. for tourism with its beautiful and varied scenery with countless opportunities for camping, hiking, fishing, biking and countless other outdoor activities. Verde Valley is crossed by Verde River, and the valley itself is surrounded by the picturesque hills of Mingus Mountain and Mogollon Rim.

Natives of the region are Yavapai Indians and in their language, Verde is known as the Great Matkambaha. One of the limits of the valley is the city of Sedona and its red magnetic rocks around which some believe is concentrated energy capable of treating the human physique and psyche. Not far is the city of Phoenix and the rock caves of Montezuma Castle, located in the limestone rocks of north central Arizona.

The first historical evidence of the Great Verde Valley comes from the notes of Antonio de Espejo, who arrives in the land in 1583. A little more information on Verde Valley comes during the gold rush in the 19th century, when people constantly flock here, in search of precious metals. Today, its natural and cultural heritage is being organized by the cities that are located in the valley and the canyon of the Verde River - Camp Verde, Clarkdale, Cornville, Cottonwood, Jerome, Lake Montezuma, Page Springs and Sedona.

Cottonwood is a small American town located in the foothills of Mingus Mountain. In the vicinity you can see one of the unique historical complexes of America - National Monument Tuzigoot. It is a carved block of houses, which served as home to the Sinagua Indians more than 1000 years ago. Located just minutes from Old Town Cottonwood, these homes to this day have been preserved in excellent condition.

Clarkdale is a small provincial town, which is distinguished by its peaceful town atmosphere. From here one can enjoy the Verde Valley, taking the Verde Canyon Railroad, which passes through some of the most beautiful areas of the Valley. This is one of the most popular tourist activities in the Verde Valley, as visitors have the opportunity to catch a glimpse of wildlife, pristine scenery and whatnot. The best time to visit during the year is spring.

Sedona, Arizona

One of the mottos of the residents of Jerome is: "We're all here, 'cause we're not all there! ". Jerome is located about 8 km from Cottonwood and is a former mining town, and next to it, Cleopatra Hill is a good place for nature walks. The city of Page Springs is nestled between Red Rock, Cottonwood and Sedona. This town has a wealth of old and tall trees with thick trunks that are immense. Lake Pond Hatchery offers unique value, because here live rare species. In the area of the city in Verde passes Oak Creek, along which are formed about 100 springs.

Most of the locals in Verde found refuge from the summer heat in the North placements of Cornville city and its surroundings. It is located on Oak Creek where Windmill Park is a beloved place for picnics and relaxation. Do not miss the artwork called Eliphante, which is the fruit of 20 years work of artists Michael Kahn and Leda Livant.

This unique place in the Great Verde is decorated with stunning paintings, mosaics and even a piano. Over time the interior is filled with sculptures, art objects, paintings, various water shells, musical instruments and more. The most recent installation here is called Pipe Dreams and represents underground galleries built in a network of tunnels and caves with paintings.

90 minutes north of Phoenix i lies Camp Verde. 10, 000 years ago Verde River was the thing that attracted people to this place. Largely this is unchanged to this day. Annually in Camp Verde holds various interesting festivals, including that of maize. From here you can easily reach the Montezuma rock shelters, located in the limestone cliffs high above Beaver Creek.

15 km from these Indian homes is Montezuma Well, which is a unique place with its endemic species, which can not be seen anywhere else on the planet. Also interesting are the Sinaguan cliff dwellings, pueblo ruins, and a 1000-year old canal, which today is used for irrigation by Verde residents.



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