Fasil Ghebbi in Gondar

Few places in the world where two cultures have a different spirit like African and European have preserved impressions of the time. The visit of the former Ethiopian capital of Gondar is like traveling back to medieval times.
The architecture of the city is unique because he includes in it several cultures. Every nation is something else, as a result he felt the presence of hinduism as well as the Arab tradition. Thanks to the Jesuits a large part of the buildings are transformed into a baroque style and the coincidence is that Gondar is famous for its nickname, Little Camelot.
The former Ethiopian capital is located northwest of the country in the foothills of Simi, one of the biggest mountain ranges in Africa, 50 km north of Lake Tana.
Fasil Ghebbi fortress was built around 1635 and operates as a center of the Ethiopian empire in the management of the dynasty of Fasil. This is the administrative, spiritual, cultural and commercial center of Ethiopia.
There is a legend of the heavenly messenger that predicted that the Ethiopian capital will be built on the spot, which begins with the letter D. Another prediction is that the area is referred to directly by God. Even if you do not believe in predictions, Gondar is built on historical time, which gives effect mainly on its architecture. Fasil emperor himself had an interest in this area. The fortress, which is built up by high stone walls and castle is 1 of 5. The oldest of them (Enkulal Gambill) is the late 40’s of the 17th century and is located in the center of the complex. Relatively it recently was restored almost completely.
With their massive power towers and 900 meter battle royal castle walls it looks just like part of the medieval Europe, carried by African land.
In the northwestern part of Gondar they are called the Fasil baths, which represents a rectangular pool. Around it stands a two storey wall, ending with the peaks and has stone stairs leading to the bathroom. It can be reached by rolling a stone bridge which is raised in danger in the past.
Since 1979, Gondar is a monument of world cultural heritage. The best time to visit in the year is around October. Then the maximum you can feel is of the mixed cultural breath of this ancient city, which grows on the aura of mystery and even violence.