
With the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD only ruins were saved from the ancient city of Pompei however, it is not such a similar outcome for the Roman resort town of Herculaneum. Herculaneum is located very close to Pompei in southwestern Italy and Naples Bay in the Campania region, at the foot of the volcano Vesuvius. The ancient city was declared a World Heritage by UNESCO, and you have to pay to enter here. The most convenient was to reach Herculaneum is by train or bus from Sorrento or Naples.
Many believe that, unlike Pompei, Herculaneum is far more spectacular and attractive for tourist visits. The town itself is built into the ground and to enter it you must disembark down. The whole village has a firewall surrounding it. Today only a quarter of the settlement was dug out and available for viewing, but the buildings there are certainly much more reserved than those in Pompei.
In the eruption of Vesuvius most of the inhabitants of Herculaneum had managed to escape and save themselves from the fiery lava and ash. About one hundred people were killed, while Pompei the opposite happens. There is a presumption that Herculaneum was overwhelmed by the sea water and not buried by volcanic ash, which had contributed to a better preservation of urban architecture.
Today, in excellent condition are the reserved urban male and female bathrooms. You can see the metal tubs, while their form is proof that the design is the same since 2000. In the men's public bathrooms can be seen the immersion heater and price list on the walls, posters advertising the different services and fast food . All this proves that Herculaneum was a prime seaside resort in the Roman Empire - many visitors went there for pleasure, to take advantage of the city baths and have fun.

In almost all buildings, shops, restaurants and homes could be considered unique beautiful frescoes and mosaics, which are characterized by bright colors. It is believed that their purpose was to create a pleasant atmosphere and vacation for its guests. There are found pretty mosaics and paintings of highly erotic and even pornographic nature. Unfortunately, most of them can not be seen because they are harvested in various museums for their provocative nature. In the 60th year of the last century they were called out to a secret museum hall of Naples, but only in 2000 they made accessible to mass audiences.