Burgos Cathedral

Burgos Cathedral, know also as Cathedral of Santa Maria, is known for its unique architecture and is the biggest attraction of the Spanish city of Burgos. It is located in northwestern Spain, an administrative center of the province of Burgos in Castilla y Leon.
The Cathedral of Santa Maria is one of the most remarkable buildings in Spain. It is considered the third largest after the cathedral in Seville and Toledo. In 1984 the cathedrals of Burgos is included in the list of World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.

In essence, Santa Maria is a Gothic cathedral, whose construction began in 1221 and continued until the 15th century. For erecting and decorating this lovely building were engaged some of the most prominent Spanish artists whose finished work gives one of the world's most beautiful examples of the late Gothic style.
Located in the center of Burgos, the Catholic cathedral is known for three main features - impressive size, magnificent Gothic architecture and unique history. The construction of the temple was ordered by King Ferdinand III of Castile and Mauricio, who was the bishop of Burgos with English roots. Santa Maria Cathedral was built at the site of an earlier Roman basilica and construction dragged nine years.
The cathedral was finally completed in 1567, by architects who work over 3 centuries on the church, from its construction until final details are a Frenchman named Enrique (Enrique), who also works in the Leon Cathedral in the 13th century, and the 15th century architect of the cathedral of Burgos is a German named John of Cologne.
Notable moment in the recent history of the temple was held in 1919, when buried here were Kotto Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, known by the nickname "El Cid" and his wife Doña Jimena.

The interior of the cathedral of Burgos is even more impressive than the façade. Among the numerous sculptures impress those who represent Christ on the cross. One of the most important and valuable works of art of the temple is the "Virgin and Child" by Hans Memling and "Christ the column" of Diego de Shiloh.
The dome of the cathedral in Burgos in the shape of a star and the finishing touches on its construction happen in the 16th century. Particularly interesting are the side chapels and altars, which are finished works of religious art. The walls of the temple are decorated with valuable paintings and lavishly decorated with sculptures.
The Cathedral in Burgos is built on three levels, as it is entered through two decorated with religious figures portals – the southern Puerta del Sarmental and northern Puerta de la Coronería. The golden staircase from the 16th century is another highlight in the interior of the Santa Maria in Burgos.