Mellieha Church

The Church at Mellieha was built in a place where usually stood fortresses. This parish church dominates the eponymous city from its high hill situated on the outskirts of the village. Mellieha is situated in the northwestern part of Malta and is a popular tourist destination during the summer months. Here are some of the best beaches on the small country, with the resort town offering all the entertainment options to its guests, as well as some of the best restaurants, bars and hotels.
Besides the pleasure of a summer sun holiday, Mellieha can offer a wide range of historical and cultural sights, such was the dominance of the Church at Mellieha. It is a beautiful view to see Ghadira Bay.
The magnificent church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and is one of the most precious temples of Malta. It was built in the 16th century when the Knights conquered the island. Each year, in the Church at Mellieha, a solemn mass is held on 30 August to commemorate the repulsion of the Ottoman troops. This date is marked with celebrations throughout the town that celebrates this great feat, which helped the Christian religion in the rest of Europe.
By the 18th century, Mellieha was abandoned, but now the village is renewed. The village of Mellieha has really flourished, and today is an attractive destination for lovers of quiet resort towns and natural beauty. The town has a beautiful historic center. The tomb itself is a sacred place that is visited by many pilgrims.
Originally the temple foundations were laid in the 16th century, but in its present form, the Church at Mellieha was built between 1881 and 1898. For building material was used stone extracted from a nearby quarry. The whole work was of the inhabitants of the village, which transported all construction materials and worked flawlessly for nearly 20 years to fulfill their desire to have their new temple.

After the Church at Mellieha is fully completed work began on its interior, which had major contributions from the parish priest Dun Frangisk Magri, Dun Carlo Cortis and Dun Indri Fenech. A remarkable part of the sanctuary is the chapel of the Virgin Mary, where you can see a Byzantine fresco that depicts the Virgin Mary with Christ in her right hand.
It is said that this mural was painted by St. Luke himself, who comes here on the island after a shipwreck with St. Peter. According to recent studies, however, the icon is made in the 13th century. The altar of the temple is decorated by the best artists of Malta.
The Church at Mellieha is blessed by Pope John Paul II during his visit to Malta in May 1990. One of the amazing features is the church tower, or rather the five bells placed in the church between 1920 and 1940. Bells are different sizes and dedicated to St. Francis, St. Joseph, St. Anthony, St. Paul and Mary. All the church bells of Mellieha were brought from Milan.