Segura River

Segura River is located in Spain. It rises in the mountains of the province of Jaén Segura and is 325 kilometers long. Segura river passes through many Spanish cities, and then flows into the Mediterranean. The catchment of the River Segura is over 19 000 square kilometers. The river flow is 26 cubic meters per second.
Where the river empties into the sea, is located the town of Guardamar del Segura in the province of Alicante. The town owes its name to the river that runs through it.
Segura River has many tributaries, the most popular and biggest of them are Mundo, Alhárabe, Mula and Guadalentín. The river passes through the driest region of the Iberian Peninsula before emptying into the Mediterranean.
Much of the water of the river Segura and its tributary Guadalentin wean out to be used for irrigation of the orchards in Murcia. The river Segura often causes flooding. In summer, however its an almost dried up riverbed.
Many dams and weirs were built on the River Segura and its tributaries to control the winter flow of the river. Segura River valley receives water from the river Tagus in a way that for decades provides irrigation to the province of Murcia.

Guardamar del Segura is famous for its crystal clear water, the sea beaches, and the picturesque River Segura. Guardamar del Segura has earned fame for being the perfect place to practice different water sports that attract tourists in the city, who participate in an active sport.
Segura River runs near the new harbor for sports boats, in of Guardamar del Segura, near coniferous forests that are protected by law, which in combination with the river are modern marina. The lagoon near the river Segura is a nature reserve where you can see rare birds and many wild animals that live along the river.
In late summer, especially in August, the river is ideal for fishing. The river attracts many local fishing enthusiasts and tourists who like to relax with a fishing rod in hand. Here you can find different varieties of fish, including goldfish and Koi. These fish are not caught on just any bait, they peck mostly sweet corn or bottom floats.
In 2010 Segura River dried up, leading to a real pestilence among fish. Much of the fish were in serious decline and failed to recover as a species in the river. Today the river Segura is restored, it has added new species.
River life is rich in the regions along which it passes, there are many species of plants and wild animals that receive water from the Segura. Along the river nest many waterfowl species, large dragonflies are found and various kinds of water snakes are present too. The river forms different types of water bodies, and is suitable for canoe trips.