Fort Collins

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Fort Collins, Colorado

Fort Collins is a city located in the territory of Colorado. The city is the administrative center of Larimer County. The population is about 144 000 people. Fort Collins is home of the University of Colorado.

Fort Collins was founded as a military outpost of the U.S. Army in 1864. It was erected during the Indian wars in the mid sixties of the nineteenth century. In the same year that in it is based a military outpost, it was destroyed by flooding. The fort was rebuilt and it began to attract many settlers. Today the fort is located in the old part of town. The first school and first church were built in 1866.

In 1872, the first population boom was unleashed when here was established an agricultural colony. Hundreds of settlers arrived to develop large tracts of land and turn them into fertile soil, where they would plant different crops. There was much friction between old and new settlers. The town was incorporated in 1873.

In 1870, in the town was founded the Agricultural College of Colorado, but the first students began studying there in 1879.

In the eighties of the nineteenth century began feverish building of beautiful luxury houses and commercial buildings. The city developed the production of sugar beet, and meat. The Great Depression reflects very badly on Fort Collins. Yet the city noted a slow but steady growth in the early twentieth century.

In the first decade after World War II, the city's population grows. Then the old buildings were torn down, in their place were to be built new, more modern buildings. This is the upturn of the city.

Fort Collins is known as a very conservative city, especially because of the fact that alcoholic beverages are prohibited. At the end of the twentieth century Fort Collins expands to the south, adding new territory to its area.

In 2006, Fort Collins was named the best place to live in the U.S. This is due to the good level of education, low crime and good job opportunities. The population continues to grow. At the end of the twentieth century began the process of revitalization of downtown.

Much of the culture in the city of Fort Collins is centered on student life at the University of Colorado. Every year near the old center, a number of interesting festivals take place.

Lincoln Center is a place where the Symphony Orchestra of the city of Fort Collins resides. Here constantly play Broadway plays. Lincoln Center has theaters and galleries, where paintings and several sculptures can be seen. In the center each year are carried over one thousand seven hundred cultural events.

Each year the town holds the Colorado Marathon, which starts from Poudre Valley and ends in downtown Fort Collins.

In the city is located Fort Collins Museum, founded in 1941. There can be viewed over thirty thousand artifacts.



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