Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is located in the Chinese city Zhangjiajie. In this Forest Park, which is a magnificent creation of nature, tourists from around the world enjoy amazing views.
Zhangjiajie National Park is located in the northeastern part of Nunan Province and is the first forest park in China. It was created in 1982. Four years later, it was included in the UNESCO world treasure list.
The park has breathtaking scenery, where various birds and animals can be observed in their natural environment. The park is known for its strange peaks, beautiful valleys and magnificent forests. The pristine nature of the park attracts visitors from China and different countries.
The park is beautiful in all seasons. In the spring, it seems covered with a carpet of fragrant flowers, in summer- mountain breezes make the park a great place to cool off and rest, in the autumn Zhangjiajie offers a magnificent view of the red leaves on the trees and in winter the area is covered with sparkling snow.

Zhangjiajie National Park covers an area of 72 000 acres, and rainfall in the area is 1600 mm per year. The average temperature in the area of the park is sixteen degrees during the cold seasons. Over ninety percent of the park is covered with plants - more than five hundred species, more different plants than in the whole of Europe.
Among the most beautiful sights of the park is Golden Whip stream, Fort Huangshi. Near Golden Whip stream rise strange-looking peaks, which are covered with very old trees and vines.
Fort Huangshi is named after a monk and rises to 1080 m altitude. The fort offers visitors spectacular views of the terrace area, specially designed for tourists. Among the most beautiful peaks are those with the most interesting names: Treasure Box of Heavenly Books, South Pillar of Heaven and Golden Tortoise Watching the Sea.
Golden Whip stream is located in the eastern part of the national park Zhangjiajie. The stream was named Gold Whip rock. It flows into the River Li. This is one of four rivers in Nunan Province. In some places magnificent waterfalls and streams are formed, near which live many different types of animals and plants that take moisture from them. Because of its beauty, Li is known as the valley with the poetic flowing stream and is known as one of the most beautiful valleys in the world. Lake Grass charms the eye with transparent waters.
The southern gate of heaven is shaped like a huge gate, so it is called this way. It offers beautiful views of the surrounding points of heaven. The peak called Imperial Brush is located near a beautiful place in the park, known as Fairy Maid Presenting Flowers.
From the terrace for special monitoring are revealed superb views, which leave an unforgettable impression with their heights in the form of brushes. This part of the park brings back to reality memories of the famous ruler Xiang, which always outlined a circle around his name in official documents.
From the balcony of Heaven is a wonderful view, but the only way to reach it is to climb one hundred eighty-six stone steps. Bird's eye view offers scenes of the whole park, as well as the clouds over the mountains and the forests there too.