Arraiolos Castle

Arraiolos Castle

Arraiolos Castle is an attractive medieval castle, located in the central southern part of Portugal, near Evora. The castle stands on the bare lofty hill called Monte de San Pedro, which dominates the north of the small town of the same name - Arraiolos.

The town itself is a successor of an ancient settlement built in the Portuguese region around 300 BC and the medieval fort on the hill was erected in the early 13th century. Castle Arraiolos is an oval fort, including the structure and its clock tower, massive firewalls and occupies the southern end of the former fortification wall of the village.

Arraiolos Castle

The medieval fortress was built between 1279 and 1325 by order of King D. Dinis and the Prince chooses where to build the castle strategically. From the highest hill there is always a good view of the entire surrounding area, which is supporting the primary function of Arraiolos which was namely to defend this world territory.

After 14th century the village Arraiolos began to grow and gradually exported beyond the fortifications of the castle down the hill to the valley. Under the old fortifications remain only fences to the church of Igreja do Salvador. In those ancient times the castle Arraiolos passes into the hands of Nunos Alvares Pereira, who received the title of Earl of Arraiolos. The Earl used the castle as a base for fighting attacks and defense in fighting the Spanish troops.

The only building that now remaines beyond the old retaining walls of the castle Arraiolos is the church which was built in the 16th century. In the 17th century the fortress was experiencing hard times and was totally neglected. In the early 20th century the castle receives the status of national monument.



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