Stirling Castle

Stirling Castle is the key to the Scottish history fortress. This medieval castle is a matter of national pride for the Scots, not only because it was the scene of many key battles, but also purely for architectural terms. Stirling Castle sits majestically on a high volcanic rock, dominating over the city.
From the earliest times fortress Stirling was crucial because of its strategic location. The whole city led by the castle was an important defense checkpoint for all travelers. And the only place for the passage of any army that decided to proceed north or south of the UK. It is therefore often called Straling - The key to Scotland.

The towns people are known by the name Sons of the Rock. This name has its simple explanation related to the fact that for centuries the palace, built of rock attracts more and more people who stay to live in its area. The first written information about the early fortress Stirling dates from around 1110, when King Alexander I came to visit the nearby chapel. At that time the palace was already established as a fortress.
Stirling Castle and fortress itself have been repeatedly destroyed and built again in the management of various monarchs. Today especially interesting within Stirling is the so called white Throne Hall or Great Hall, which dates from the late Middle Ages. Also impressive is the compelling Renaissance Palace or again known as the Royal Palace, which was built during the reign of James V.
Chappel Royal, was built during the reign of James VI for the baptism of his firstborn son Henry and features an Italian style. Be sure to see the old royal building which was built on top of the scale back in 1496.

Today the Stirling Castle offers its visitors an unbelievable journey back in time. The palace is open year round for visitors. Once you see inside the castle be sure to walk around the gardens and somewhere you will see the statue of Robert the Bruce.