Kolossi Castle

Kolossi Castle is a brilliant example of military architecture which has been preserved today as the echo of the past in the lands on the island of Cyprus. The powerful citadel of Kolossi is located only a few kilometers from Limassol, as the fortress is located in its western surroundings. Kolossi is located right in the heart of the fertile valleys of southern Cyprus. This part of the island since the Middle Ages has been an important commercial production area as there are grown the extremely rich and diverse range of crops.
In the land of the Kolossi Castle thrive very well cane, olive trees which produce premium olive oil , as well as cotton, fruit trees, plants of cereals and vines. For centuries, the region of Kolossi has also taken the production and processing of sugarcane.
It is assumed that the original Kolossi Castle was erected in 1210 by the French military. These were the years when King Hugh III, which belongs to the Knights of the Order of St John of Jerusalem, better known as the Knights Hospitallers became ruler of the region of giants. Kolossi Castle, as we see it today was erected in 1454 from a Hospitaller Order of the Knights Templar - Louis de Magnac.

The walls of the Kolossi Castle reach 21 meters in height. You enter the fortress through a bridge. In one of the two large halls of the castle which is located in the southern part of the complex has amazing artwork. On one wall there are beautiful murals depicting the crucifixion of the Son of God, which is affixed to the face of Magnak.
It is believed that this room in the castle was used for religious rituals and in the next, which has a fireplace, probably has housed the dining room. On the second floor of the castle there are two large rooms. In the eastern part of the castle you can still see the facilities for manufacturing and processing the sugarcane.
In recent years within the fort regular archaeological studies have taken place. In parallel, the castle is open for public visits from 7:30 to 19:30 hours between 1st June and 30th September and from October 1st to May 31st you can visit the castle between 7:30 a.m. to 17:00 hours.