Bitov Castle

Bitov Castle is an incredibly beautiful structure, situated in the wild and picturesque green hills of the southern Moravia region in the Czech Republic. If you're in the areayou must look at the many medieval castles in this part of the country, which include Straznice Castle and Bouzov Castle.
Bitov Castle even has a chateau, where you can enjoy culinary delights. It was built in the early 19th century by the noble Daun family. The castle is still in use today and has been recently renovated by its present owner - Baron Haas, who uses the castle primarily to prepare food for his 15 dogs and the care of about 15 people.

The history of Bitov Castle dates back to the 11th century. Located near the Czech-Austrian border, the castle bears its name from the Latin "Vetus via", which translates to "old way". The name was given because there was a historic path along the river Dyje where it merged with the River Zeletava.
Perched on a rocky promontory, views of the castle are a beautiful sight and the lake reflects the impressive figure of the building.

Since it was bulit in the 11th century the castle has seen many architectural changes. The major changes and renovations were made by family Jankovsky in 1755 when the fortress was transformed into neo-Gothic style. If you think that Bitov Castle is impressive from the outside, you must see it from the inside.
Its unique decorations have no equivalent in any other castle. Authentic paintings, furniture , wood paneling, bumpers and military arsenal are abundant, and also throughout the halls and corridors there are many stuffed animals and hunting trophies. Rooms are furnished with historical furniture from different periods, reflecting the castle at different ages.
The walls of the rooms on the first floor has a huge collection of artwork from the so-called second wave of German and Austrian romantics - Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Karl Russ, Fendi and Wilhelm Camphausen.
The last owner of the castle - Baron Haas loved animals. Besides the 200 dogs in the he also had cats, squirrels, mice and even badgers. The catering facilities of Bitov Castle are located in the northern wing. It has been operational since the 18th century, but from 1 July 2008 it was completely renovated and restored. The most interesting part of the kitchen is one room, which is a refrigerator that is not powered by electricity. Instead, two centuries before refrigeration, the room was filled with ice, to keep hunting game in.