Alces Lake

Alces Lake in Alaska, Canada is one of the best tourist destinations for ecotourism worldwide. Alces is a glacial lake, a walk along which could be one of the most memorable events in your life.
Alces Lake falls within the Whiteswan Lake Provincial Park, which house the popular and beautiful lake Whiteswan. Alces is located in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada in British Columbia.

The lake and the park are located about 22 miles east from the city Canal Flats, which lies at the southern end of Columbia Lake.
The road leading to the protected area and lake Alces is quite dangerous. Drivers must be very careful, especially between the 15th to 18th km. Along this road, most regularly travel oversized trucks loaded with wood and other natural resources from mines.
Cars on the road section are required to move with activated headlights and give priority to large vehicles.
Within the protected natural area have been formed the two Lakes - Whiteswan and Alces, the reflections in their glass-like surfaces are a spectacular and unique view. There are four beaches and four opportunities for river-side camps.
Opportunities for tourist activities here are many – you can follow some of the historic nature trails, that will take you to the heart of the wondrous beauty of Whiteswan Lake Provincial Park. The area all around is full of wild plants and animals.
Boat trip on Alces Lake allows tourists to enjoy the unique experience that is seeing the local elk feeding along the shore.
The weather here is extremely variable and raw. Clear panoramas can be suddenly darkened by clouds, and often Alces is to be found wrapped in fog.
Besides the incredible views of the Rocky Mountains, fishing in Lake Alces widely enjoyed. Here are found some of the richest resources of trout.
The area is rich in natural hot springs. Tourists in the area of the lakes are often found to relaxing in the soothing waters of Lussier Hotsprings, located near the entrance of the park at mile 17, 5 of the main road.